Oct 10, 2005 22:20
im happy that jillian joy is alive- thanks for letting us know your breathing! ::wink::
today was...indescriptive. actually i felt friggin sick this morning..rollllled out of bed and made it to school just in time. WE DIDN'T HAVE A CALCULUS QUIZ thank you sweet JESUS (with the J as an H sound)
um.......did my little dot product presentation in physics...so good, let me tell you. mr stanley was like..asking us really hard questions so we ALL looked like idiots- it was amusing. he then proceeded to ask me like the easiest question ever..which i almost couldn't answer b/c i was so scared. i stuttered for like 6 1/2 minutes. so fun.
then went home. WAS SUPPOSED to get a physical but my mom forgot to make an appointment- so thats good. skipped play practice, which i came to found out i could of been at, if i didn't wait around for my mAm to show up.
word to your spanish uncle who taught you everything you know.
that would be uncle manuel in my case.
um..excited about disney with AMANDA...lets set this city ablaze....!!!!!! woohoo that sounds destructive.
and um..i was SOO very good today- went to the gym and exercised for...oh yes...36.45 minutes exactly. mmhmmmm thats working out for you.
and thats it for tonight.........my long awaiting costumers
actually- from amanda's crusin' cd