What in Mother Russia was this?!?

Apr 12, 2007 22:22

When she arrived the first night, Yuri realized how much he'd truly missed her during the weeks apart. She looked so beautiful that he could hardly bear to touch her. That reticence evaporated the next morning, when they made cosmolove. Yuri was glad that Valya didn't know how thin Star City's walls were; he was also glad that that bourgeois bastard Gherman Titov would know that proletarians knew how to please women. Even if Titov ended up being selected for the first space flight instead of Yuri, at least he would travel with the knowledge that Yuri was a more mujestveni chelovek.

I love how there's fanfiction for an old, dead space!Russian.

Oh, and act quickly, you can get "a free, forged, signed, color photo in the mail!"

I'm tempted, guys.

Happy 46th float-a-Russian-man-around-the-Earth anniversary! :D

EDIT: I've just seen an icon of David Tennant, and upon first glance, I thought, "Hmm, an Ellen Degeneres icon! She's in quite an odd position, there" :|

news, nonsense really, science

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