Jan 08, 2008 23:54
Something that has bothered me recently is a kind hypocrisy that is almost too commonplace to call out. Some of my friends (and my enemies alike) occasionally refer to gathering dance crowds and local intellectual gatherings as too culturally elitist. That is true, those people actually are culturally elitist, each group to a different extent.
But then my friends, or enemies, or frienemies converse with me later, forgetting their earlier criticisms, only to embody them. I am kind of new to the idea of objectivism, and I admit to being more viscerally opposed than anything.I have a specific instance/discussion in mind, but I am talking about a conversation that sparks this awful deja vu for me.Objectivism is a school of thought that praises hierarchy, since the greatest accomplishment of civilization is supposed to be the hero's works. Fair enough. But this is a highly cultural elitist philosophy. It is not the only set of beliefs that the believers become just a little proud of. My friends stated that they currently didn't call themselves objectivist...and then defended objectivism in few words.
I am happy that I don't fit in anywhere, since it makes it easier for me to observe group dynamics related to class and cultural references without being sucked into the crowd, losing the power of my own opinions. I think about how these groups (and individuals) who see themselves as superior may have a certain diversity in preferences and ideas, but if they say the wrong thing, if they like the wrong band, or book, or clothing article, etc. they are fair game for all flavors of bad attitude.
I guess this is human nature. We're all a little bourgeois, just as we're all bigots (to some measure), in our heads.
So now that I have written down something that has been bothering me, I have a fun question...Are there any colors my fellow uncool peeps dislike? I can't think of too many I dislike, although I have least favorites. Maroon is one of them, that was my high school's color. And I am not a big pastel person...