+ Name
+ Age
+ City, State:
Tampa, FL
+ Ten favourite bands/musicians
1. Gram Parsons
2. Tim Kasher
3. Bloc Party
4. Interpol
5. M. Ward
6. Radiohead
7. Iron and Wine
8. RJD2
9. Miles Davis
10. Django Reinhardt
+ Ten favourite movies
1. A tout suite
2. Sintonia
3. Oldboy
4. Vertigo
5. The Royal Tenenbaums
6. Rushmore
7. Wait Until Dark
8. Fight Club
9. Dazed and Confused
10. Monsters Inc.
+ Five favourite books, and why
1. Killing Yourself to Live by Chuck Kosterman: odd, highly idiosyncratic writing about famous musical deaths. Written in an interesting, if not a little egotistical, Gonzo-style first person.
2. A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers: This book is very strong, very well written, and plays with the ideas of writing in general and writing a memoir specifically in a really cool way.
3. You Shall Know Our Velocity! by Dave Eggers: this book is just all kinds of epic, and an equally well-written sophomore effort.
4. The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell: I really like this sort of pulp science genre that's emerged in the last few years (Freakonomics, Blink, Stumbling on Happiness). This one of the more interesting among them.
5. Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: a novella, really, but still really cool in the way the story is told, beautiful.
+ Favourite drink:
Equal parts lemonade and cranberry juice
+ Favourite food:
+ Why do you think you're uncool?:
Because I use words like 'ubiquitous' in everyday conversation (read: too much of an intellectual/borderline nerd to be cool in any respect)
+ Any pet peeves?:
Ending a sentence in a preposition.
+ Motto or personal quote?:
De omnibus dubitandum
- Rene Descartes
+ What four words best describe you?:
I like to dance
+ What is your biggest fear, and why?:
mediocrity. If i'm doing something, I want to be doing it well, and for a reason
+ What are your hobbies?:
Photography, Film, Music, Rugby, Rowing, Art
+ If you could be another person for a day, who would it be, and why?:
My twin brother. I think it would be an extremely cool deja-vu type experience
+ Views on . . .:
abortion:: Morally, I stay out of it. I'm ultimately never going to be put in that position, being male and all However, moral or no, I think it should be legal for safety reasons. People will still want abortions even if they are illegal, and that's not something that should be a backroom, dirty procedure, as it were;
religion:: I'm pretty much agnostic (I say that i'm too young and optimistic to be an atheist yet), and think that organized religion, while not my speed, is certainly not a net negative influence on the world. It makes people lead better lives.
politics:: I love the american system of government. It's the best possible system that works well. I'm not thrilled with a lot of who is running the government these days, but that's a different issue.
drugs: Not my style, but it's a choice thing. That being said, there are a lot of bad choices made about and while on drugs.
+ Is there another issue that you feel strongly about?
Briefly elaborate on the issue and your stance:
not off the top of my head
+ What is your most prized possession?:
a few 40's DLR cameras
+ Proudest moment?:
Passing my high school exit exams
+ Most embarrassing moment?:
I once split my pants onstage.
+ Goals for the future?:
Graduate, lead a good life, don't die destitute and alone. Not much to ask for, really.
+ If you had $5.00, how would you spend it?:
i'd buy snacks and used books
+ What is your guilty pleasure?:
Musicals, both stage and screen
+ Tell us a joke.:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Interrupting coefficient of friction.
Interrupting co--
+ Would you give your life for something or someone? If so, who or what would it be, and why?:
A righteous cause, probably not. Family and friends, probably.
+ How did you find
Clicking through interests on a friends interests list. (Specifically, I was trying to figure out what =w= was. Figured it out.)