Third trimester.

Jan 05, 2009 20:05

Kinda forgot to post anything about the first and second trimesters. I'm in the third now (officially! 28 weeks!) and so far, it's way harder than the second. I started getting really crochety and sore about two weeks ago. I'm guessing it has to do with how much weight we're both gaining and the normal pregnancy stuff like relaxin (the hormone) and my hips shifting.

Finally had my WIC appointment today. I made it 3 months ago. We were approved, so we immediately went out and bought milk, juice, cereal, eggs, and cheese. It's $20 we didn't have to spend on food, which helped spread that $40 we had budgeted for groceries this week. Yes, we have that little money. It's hard now that I'm not working, but even so.. pre-taxes, and with both jobs, they estimated that Jayson makes $25k a year. I wish we felt it more. I think the car payment sucks it all up.

The baby is kicking up a storm lately. Oh, right - we found out we're having a girl. Sort of. The ultrasound tech said she'd lean towards girl, but it's not 100%. So I'm trying to decorate in neutral colors just in case she comes out with a penis. One of my friends has bought us some really cute outfits for a girl that she found on clearance at work (I think she paid $4 for one, less for everything else) and if it's Archer and NOT Emily, I'll probably end up donating them to someone on the What to Expect forums that has a girl.

What else....

Food. I love food. I make Jayson tell me about his lunch like it's our dirty foreplay secret. Everything just tastes better and I want it ALL THE TIME. Unlike sex. I don't want any sex at all. Not because I feel like a whale, I just have no drive. I guess I got the opposite of what women "usually" get, which is a boost. Sucks for Jayson - especially lately, since we've been hearing our neighbors having sex lately. OH RIGHT - we moved to a two bedroom apartment with neighbors from hell on all sides. We hear sex from above and behind us and they generally play music loudly at 2 and 3 am. We complained about it today, as a matter of fact. God help them if they wake up my baby when she's finally here.

I've been nesting like a fiend, too. We've cleaned the entire apartment in the last week, top to bottom. It's kinda fun. I won't ever admit that to Jayson.

I think I'm going to go play some Harvest Moon for DS (the cute version).. or maybe Oblivion. Or maybe I'll sleep. Anyway - I'll try to post more!

pregnant, nesting, food

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