Jun 08, 2006 21:58
My my is has been a while since I have sat down and written anything on LiveJournal.
What has been going on in my life as of late? I shall tell you. First let me take a long and relaxing sigh of relief that Ashley's wedding is over and done. Stamped and official, ladies and gents.
Don't get me wrong, I had so much fun and there is nothing like seeing your sister coming down that aisle looking positively radiant and beaming up at her fella. So Amazing! But, by golly, it is swell to feel peaceful and be back at life's normal pace.
So after the wedding I stayed in Orlando and did some work for my sister, Aubs, at Quiet Flight.
An interesting experience. Lots of tedious work that is easy but ridiculously time consuming. We went and saw a few movies and went out with some fun church-goin' guys. ( many stories, I assure you :-)
Today I cleaned the church building with my other costodial buddies.
Mr. Isaac Walsh and Ms. Stephanie Roberts. Had a jolly good time. Thanks so much for all you two do. You guys have become my right and left arms. lol kinda weird but true.
Looking forward to Quest tomorrow. And seein'my peeps. Keep it real, yo. Over n out.