Dec 12, 2008 11:14
So, I forgot to set my alarm last night, and I wound up sleeping in a good 45 minutes after I was supposed to leave for work--around an hour and a half after I usually get up.
...And it was everything I ever dreamed it could be.
I'm not usually much of a late sleeper. I get restless if I sleep too long, and I like having things to do when I get up. Hate being idle. But I think I've probably been working myself too hard lately with the crazy number of things going on in my life lately--buying a home, rehearsing for Spanish Tragedy, dealing with a longer commute, trying to squeeze in time to at least take futile stabs at writing. Most nights lately I don't think I've even gotten 6 hours of sleep. I think it's fair to say I needed it.
Will it last? Probably not. Far too much to do. But damn was it nice to wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy. Maybe instead of leaving early every other Friday I should plan on coming in late. (Which is the best part of all this; despite being late for work, I won't have to leave any later, since it was my early day, anyway).
That's all I have to say. Sorry, nothing poignant to contribute to the LJ community today. :)