Jun 11, 2006 18:05
There is an interesting anomaly about Montana. The weather changes pretty quickly - there's almost always a breeze coming in from the mountains, and I imagine this somehow justifies the rapid change in weather. Anyway, you can literally spot approaching weather about an hour away and say to yourself 'Oh, it's going to rain like a bitch soon.' The rapid weather change is not something I'm entirely unaccustomed to. Get mountains + flat and you generally have that sort of effect. What's interesting about weather here in East Glacier is that it will rain for an entire weekend, pretty much every weekend. Then, during the week, the weather remains consistently beautiful except for brief bouts of rain. I'm serious, it's ridiculously consistent. And when we had a 3 day weekend? 3 days of rain. Solid, unending, unfaltering rain. What. The. Hell?
It makes sight-seeing very difficult.
Right, so I'm steadily losing my mind. I'm not sure if it's the vast quanitities of nothingness, or the lack of sushi, or the creaking of the hotel at night (which was hand built out of linkin logs, apparently - don't rag on me, I don't know how to spell that), or my brother who deals with his moodiness by telling me about it, or the way this place, like Oklahoma, wants to suck my soul out (come to think of it, that's a pretty likely candidate). Whatever it is, I'm going crazy. I'll be okay once I get back (departure time scheduled for Friday at 3 pm, hell-time), but for the time being I'm just kinda rolling through the days. I should take advantage of this and write something suitably malevolent. I'm unfortunately not far enough in Ellis St. Clair to throw that out yet (dammit), but maybe I can do a short little freewrite of Lovecraftian horror. Perhaps I will attempt this. We shall see how deep the insanity drives me.
What else is there to say?
(Disclaimer: I'm really quite okay, just loopy or mad (in the Alice in Wonderland kind of way) or something. :) )