Ice Cream of The Ghetto

Jun 05, 2006 14:43

For the sake of this post, I will establish early on that I'm a huge fan of ice cream. I love it. A lot. And I don't like it when people mess with my ice cream.

On with the post.

I had Bunny over for dinner with the family lastnight, and afterwards I wanted some ice cream. So I grabbed some cash and teh Bunny boy and headed down to the neighborhood Drumstick, looking forward to some awesomely tasty happy-in-my-tummy ice cream. But my ice cream adventure turned out to be nearly disastrous. First of all, the stoopid old lady at the counter didn't know how to make a chocolate covered cherry blizzard (which for the record is maraschino cherries, hardening chocolate, and vanilla soft serve (I worked at an ice cream store XD)) So, I told her how to make it. But wait!

"We can't make it with maraschino cherries, but we have some nasty goo cherry crap we can make it with instead!"

>_< Wtf, bastards. But, I insist upon my maraschino cherries.

"We charge $.15 per cherry."


But whatever. I ask for 5 cherries for a small blizzard.

"Oh, we have a problem. The cherries have stems."

Fuck, really?! I had no idea they came that way.

"Would you like me to take them out?"


After this invigorating conversation of idiocy, I finally get my delicious chocolate covered cherry blizzard. w00t! Bunny gets his chocolate cone, I get a turtle for my dad, and we head out the door. But on our way out, this charming young lady in front of me opens the door only wide enough for her to fit through and then lets it slam in my face, as I am merely seconds behind her. I have my blizzard balancing precariously on top of the turtle, and upon impact my blizzard goes flying off and squishes on the cement.

The previously mentioned individual then turns around and looks at my fallen desert. I look at her, say "Thanks." in the most sarcastic tone I can muster, and then bend over to salvage the remains. All the cunt can manage to do is stare stupidly at me and then she walks away with out even a half-assed apology. God damn her and her pathetic lack of common courtesy. And damn the old ice cream lady for being an idiot. God damn them all.

I am spent.
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