Aug 22, 2009 09:19
This, from the "Boycott Scotland" website, is a useful riposte to thinking people everywhere
"I have been to Ireland 5 times in recent years, and I will spend my tourism dollars there.....not in a country whose government claims to have compassion for terrorists"
Yes, because Ireland has never released any terrorists on compassionate grounds. They just release them on politically expedient grounds. I don't recall any of these people complaining when all those Irish Republican terrorists were being released. But, of course, it's only terrorism if the Americans are on the receiving end.
For example,
9/11 = terrorism. Every single IRA attack = a noble act by heroic freedom fighters
Pan Am bombing = terrorism. US Navy shooting down an Iranian passenger jet = whoopsy
On another website, commenting on the proposed boycott, someone commented that the Americans should be avoiding EVERYTHING Scottish or with Scottish input. So, no use of the mail because stamps are a Scottish invention. No telephone or television. No anaesthesia in surgery or other medical procedure. The US Navy will have to disband. The Declaration of Independence should be rescinded. Etc.. Etc.. I'm sure the Americans calling for a boycott of Scotland will go for the complete version. After all, not doing so will open them up a charge of the highest hypocrisy. And...and... Oh wait.