May 09, 2006 00:19

There is so much that needs to be written, and it will be done.

First, Hello all that read this Live Journal Post! I probably know you personally and have not spoke with you in a long time. I hope you are pursuing your dreams and embracing your loved ones, because hey, that's all there is in life, huh?

Second, I really appreciate the little upgrades Livejournal has made, using AJAX and http requests to autosave drafts, and adding that new location field in the options block.

Now, on to a real update. It's been a couple months since my last update, but I didn't really update in February. I stated something I felt to be true, but was apparently true my whole life. Talk about a revelation. I'm glad I'm not shy! Whoohoo!! That's great, meeting new people is always beneficial. In fact, being shy is detrimental to character. Enough ramble.

I have a girlfriend, her name, for those who thought they knew otherwise, is Rachel. Now, fate is a wierd thing.. I don't lie when I say that, and I know alot of you know I lie..

Perhaps some of you have heard of Lyve Kaos, the emcee? Okay, well last April, I was doing promotion for him & another emcee who will remain unnamed(for personal hatred reasons), making contacts at Radio Stations nationwide, and one of them was called Earthbound Radio, based out of San Diego, a really dope underground Hip-Hop radio. Earthbound is a really grassroots/listener based station, so they always have chat meetings to brainstorm new ideas for the station and I was invited to one, last September. I mentioned myspace, then I mentioned sneakers, and found a couple customers and potential customers, one of them being Mark(whom I added on myspace), a kid from California. Now I hardly talked to Mark in my life, but Mark is an essential part of why I am such a happy man/boy today. Time passed, and I finally got around to asking Mark if he wanted sneakers, but then when I went to his profile page on myspace, I saw a girl on his newly introduced "top 8" who told me more words than I can or will ever say, without even talking to me. I decided to let her know how delectable her physical was.."simply stunning. If you were candy and my eyes were teeth, they'd be rotted, cause I chew on you all day!!" not expecting a return reply, due the obsurdity of the message, but she played along with "wow I wish i was your candy then!"...from there, things blossomed, except the thing about it was...She was in California, or so I thought. Turns out, she had lived in Florida, and was now in Amsterdam, and planned to return to Florida in December. She told me her name was Destiny at first, and I believed her.Then, another obstacle appeared, it was called "Pedro", he was a unibrowd fellow who drinks lots of bacardi and enjoys writing things that are "sappy". Needless to say, I won my princess over by the skin on my teeth..She revealed to me that her real name was Rachel and we agreed to meet up when she arrived. She arrived in early December, what a great early Christmas present!! I met her on December 9th, riding a couple of busses(for 2 hours to be exact) because I didn't have a car. I brought her a teddy bear, and some hersheys hard candy kissables. We spent the day walking, riding busses, and at my house, the best day in my life I think will always be defined as that one. December 9th, 2005, the day I met Rachel. We have grown closer everyday since and are 5 months strong. She has been the best thing to happen to me yet, being my motivator, my bestfriend, and my girlfriend. Let's just hope I have not jinxed my relationship with her by writing in my LiveJournal about her. It seems every relationship I enjoy and write about in my LiveJournal is destroyed.

I am now moving to Berlin, Germany to be with my girlfriend and learn a new and upcoming internet programming technology, AJAX, I will also learn PHP, SQL, Oracle, Perl and C # (C Sharp).I will return late October.

Moving on to my dreams and aspirations, everyone that knows me personally, understands that I went through my activist phase...but not everyone knows I realized I cant beat "them" so I decided to work along side "them". I am a capitalist and have several real estate fundamentals engraved in my mind. I also now have business fundamentals impressed upon my tender brain, which is coupled with networking skills and soon to be tripled upon by Computer technology. I am very close to launching my first online retail store...it is called "Hip-hoptops.com". You will be able to access it via mobile phone by visiting mobile.hiphop-tops.com. It will also be the VERY first fully integrated Myspace store, you can see our progress at myspace.com/hiphoptops, I am very excited about this. It is also an Ebay store. With 4 mediums for sales, I think it will really pick up while I am gone. I have assigned it to my mother, who will be collecting 40% of profits, please feel free to pass the link around. The shirts on hip-hoptops.com will be featured in the Summer edition of Kicksclusive, a sneaker magazine...please visit www.kicksclusive.com for more information on them.

I am very happy with my progress from graduating high school. I no longer drink alcohol, and have reduced my marijuana smoking drastically(I dont even purchase anymore). My court case was officially resolved in December. I am still free and plan to stay free for the remainder of my life.

I wish the best to all that read this.

Until next time.

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