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Oct 09, 2006 22:14

Ya gotta love the 80's.. anyone thats ever watched any of the early 80's videoclips is probably thinkin the same thing as me... how good were the drugs back then!

My fav at the moment is "abracadabra" by the steve miller band.. you watch the film clip adn then try to tell em that these guys were straight when they made this...


I know you can link youtube direct to blog.. just too lazy and tired right now to have a go ..

My other obsession at the moment.. is red dwarf series 8 which I got sunday afternoon and was up till about 3am watchng "just one more episode".. about 3ish the little voice at the back of my conscience managed to remind me that monday is actually a work day.. bugger..

Saturday morning I went lawn shopping which was... interesting...
Picked upa coffee machine for $7 at the 2nd place we went to so I was a happy.. which subsequently is the other reason I didnt get any sleep last night... mmm.. coffee. :P

Funniest part of the day was when I was standing outside of a lawnsale talking to amanda..

I mentioned to her where we were and she said "yeah that ones crap.. theres just a shitload of candles" ..
2 seconds later carmen wanders out tellign me excitedly about all the candles she just bought.... I cracked up... shes just so cute sometimes...

ANyway have sleep to catch up on from last night so will do a decent post later..
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