One of those few and far between comm appearances, I know ;) but we do still watch and listen 8)
1) This is the new journal for asidyti. I renamed a few days ago - please, if you want to contact a mod for the TRAX community, please look for
n0w0n - aka me ;D!
2) The main reason for this post---
PLEASE remember that this is not your private journal with your likeminded friends and family patrolling around it. This is a public community of some thousand members or so, and I'm sure that some of us utilise our lunchbreaks at work and evening, family-life times in order to check our lj friends lists! Thus, please keep any icons and pictures openly posted here to a WORKSAFE and FAMILY SAFE environment. Any posts with blatantly argh! pictures on them will first receive a warning, and then face removal.
Yes, this includes your icons!
Many thanks,