May 05, 2004 00:36
First best friend: Caroline McKay
First car: '93 Jeep Cherokee Country
First real kiss: Kelly Rains
First break up: first one of any significance? the big L
First screen name: BDevilDawg
First self purchased album: Cake's Fasion Nugget
First pets: a cat named Felicia who i still have
First credit card: Suntrust
First true love: again the big L
First enemy: Jake Freemal
First musician you remember hearing in your house: The Who or Vanilla Ice
Last nightmare: my friend died and there was nothing i could do to save her
Last car ride: home from getting a tux
Last kiss: midtown haha
Last good cry: big huge stud men such as myself do not cry...ever
Last library book checked out: what's a library
Last movie seen: Kill Bill Vol. II
Last beverage drank: OJ
Last food consumed: london broil
Last phone call: becky
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: chacos
Last cd played: led zeppelin
Last annoyance: ap stat test and school in general
Last disappointment: jessica simpson not showing enough cleavage at midtown
Last shirt worn: blue baseball shirt
Last website visited:
Last words you said: i am king of the diamond! let there be a grand clubhouse feast! bring me the finest meats and chesses in all the land!
Last song you sang: G. Love and Special Sauce "Baby's Got Sauce"
What color socks are you wearing?: none
What's under your bed?: an assortment of actually afraid to look
What time did you wake up today?: 8:17
Where do you want to go?: fiji
What is your career going to be?: journalist, teacher, tv personality, or business owner (kyaking store)
Where are you going to live?: with my lovely wife and children
What kind of car: sports car: ferrari 360 modena
SUV: '74 Bronco on mickey thompsons
sedan: mercedes maybach
family car: suburban 2500
classic car: dodge charger
Marriage?: definately...just hope i can find the right girl
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: being happy
My name is: Kenneth Taylor Simon Humphrey
I may seem: crazy
But I'm really: crazy/wild
In the morning I: take a shower, listen to music, eat, and teach kindergarten
I like to sleep: only when necessary...while you sleep the world keeps moving dude
If I could be doing anything right now It would be: i would be on that island in the corona commercials with all of my friends drinking and playing to our hearts' content
Money is: not all that important but is nice to have
One thing I wish I had is: more motivation
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: copying laura...a horrible love life
All I need is: love..."love is all we need"
If I had one wish it would be: for infinate wishes duh!
Love is: the best drug ever!
If a demon crashed into my window I would: probably cry...if it were a scary looking demon...then i would hit it with tire iron
If I could see one person right now it would be: the girl i like
Something I want but I don't really need is: the power of flight
Something I need but I don't really want is: a job
I am most thankful for: my life in general
Do you think Johnny Depp is hot: psh...he's no taylor humphrey
The hottest person in the world is:
I like: girls...and a bunch of other stuff
I hate: school mostly: salma hyak
My Guilty Pleasure is: ummm...i dont know...drinking with my friends?