Ooooo...some free time

Nov 15, 2003 10:24

I'm at work...on a Saturday! I'm scanning pictures for the collection that I'm working on; it's pretty tedious. Hardly anyone is here today, On. A. Saturday. But such is the craptacular existence that is my life right now that I have to be in order to maky up hours. Okay, actually things aren't that bad but having to get up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning is just wrong I tell ya'.

Right as I was about to poke out my eyes from boredom I remember that I should update.

Well, I'll go into more depth later but I will say that I just can't get our new housemate (I always want to say roommate, but that's not entirely correct, but saying housemate just makes me want to say flatmate, which is British and cool, so maybe I'll henceforth refer to those I live with as flatmates
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