Winter Deeds and Needs

Dec 16, 2008 11:48

A letter from our ministry which was just sent out (the 'I' in this letter is Faithwalker)

Brethren and Friends, greetings in the name of our King and Savior!

Once upon a time, I read a tale about a great white bear out of the north whose very breath could freeze the marrow of a man and blanket the land in white slumber. So it would seem that the Great Bear has descended from his haunts in the North to take us captive for a season!

BUT, it is our job to open prison doors and set the captives free according to Isaiah 61. Sunday night I ventured out into the depths of East County to open up a "Warming Center" at Peace Mennonite church. The Lord was gracious, delivering me to my destination without incident.

Nine homeless souls, ill-clad to tackle the Great Bear's blast, showed up to embrace a brightly lit room with a warm fire in the fireplace...

There was John who is 52. John freely confesses that through some really stupid decisions he spent 11 years of his life in the state prison. However, as a result of that adventure, he found salvation and a deep friendship with Jesus. And though the Creator of Heaven and earth has forgiven him, the world hasn't, so he is not able to get a real job and has been on the street for 12 years.

There was Patty, who is nick-named "Momma". Patty is a poet. I have read some of her works. She has won two literary awards and has been published in four different poetry magazines in California, Arizona, and Oregon. Patty's husband died of a heart attack about four years ago. They were 'snowbirds', owning the motor home she currently calls home with her two cats. When her husband died, so did much of her pension. Patty has a heart to reach the youth, and so at any given time you'll find her with some young people whom she has adopted or rescued.

As I made my rounds through the night, each soul would seek me out to share their tale. One time the group asked me if I was called to rescue the outcasts of society. I said, "No! There are no such people! There are just members of God's Flock that got separated from the herd." From that point on I was considered part of the family. Their family. I could be trusted. From that time on I became their shepherd, or so they said.

Jesus said, "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." (Matt. 18:19-20) Therefore we are asking you to agree with us as we ask for God's provision, and to respond if He prompts you to help us with our finances...

For you see, the situation is this: we are very close to becoming just like those to whom we minister!

In the love of Jesus, Jeff and Yvan Strong

Make checks payable to Prince of Peace Fellowship with “Faithwalker“ written in the note area, mail to:

Faithwalker Ministries
c/o Prince of Peace Fellowship
P. O. Box 83445
Portland, OR 97283

Or, go to our website at and use the Donate button to make a donation through PayPal.

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