Mar 23, 2006 17:10
Well. Haven't updated for a while, and I actually have stuff to talk about.
My prized lip piercing was sadly a bit too crooked, and the methods of straightening it were not working, so last night the piercer repierced my lip to make it straighter. Actually, she repierced it three times, because the first two times didn't work quite so well. It efooking hurt. But hopefully, once the swelling goes away, the piercing will look great. But man... Pain...
On a slightly less painful wavelength, I am typing this on my brand new laptop. And in the comfort of my family room, as I bought a wireless router. It is spectacular!
My band played a show last weekend. It was fun. Helping out the freebies for youth organization. The crowd wasn't the greatest, but there were enough people there that it was still a good show. Plus, hopefully, it'll lead to me goin on a date with one of the girls who was organizing it.
Speaking of dates, I'm going to see V for Vendetta tonight with my friend Amanda. Not sure what'll happen between us (relationship wise) in the future, but for now I'm enjoying not being necessarily 'with' someone.
Oh yes, and before the date, I have another band practice with the Hearthrobs, who are short one bass guitarist. I'm helping them out on Saturday for a show in Vanderhoof. So far they seem happy with what I put forth in practice last night. I would have liked to have a bit more than few days to practice, but what can you do?
I don't feel like talking about my classes, other than I think I ripped it up (to a moderate degree) on my Advanced Linear Algebra midterm. You would think that taking a second year math course in fourth year would be easy, but not so much.
I am out...