Feb 10, 2006 17:34
Well, another week down. AND NOW IT'S READING WEEK!!! Not that it'll be a break in the least, what with 4 assignments, marking, a midterm to study for, and an essay, presentation, and a class (that I have to teach) that I have to begin preparing for. YES! Oh well, least I don't have class. Now, if only I could get money...
The punk show last night was one of the best I've seen in a long while. I really liked the ska breakdown that, I believe, featured members of Hello China, while we were waiting for FIS to get off work. Sadly, there won't be many more shows until March something or other. Oh yeah, and FIS said boourns to Fall Out Boy. It's probably a good thing Mike and I didn't wear our Fall Out Boy t-shirts this time. We would have gotten mugged, me thinks.