Otakuthon: Day 1

Aug 01, 2009 00:40

Like last year the first thing i'm greeded to:

ok thank you???

Get my badge, my key and off to work i go! Open my room (had already dropped stuff off)
So, my 2 assistants and I are like "WTF do we do?" We didnt want to start anything untill we got our TVs. We have... 1 out of 8? OK not terrible... for 11am. We go wandering about the Palais des Congres. Go downstairs to get drinks. Lost Dealers. My assistant and I show them where to go. They are from Calgary and it's their first time in Montreal. =D they liked it so far. Hope we wont scare them away. So my assistant and i are like what now?
So... we help out putting bristal boards up. fast job. then we get... out metal DDR pads. We're like SWEET!!! We take them out of the box, I'm like ok cool. *take out cable* HOLY SHIT. We're like: "Amanda (the chair) DID her homework!!! =D" She got us the pads with ALL the ports for consoles including USB port. I like GLOMPED Amanda when I saw her.
So we continue our "gaming room" With 7 TVs still missing. "Michelle there's a TV in registration!!!" Sweet. run down. It's 2:30 registrations opens at 3.... OMFG there's alot of people!!! Go back up with the TV. Start kinda setting up. We have someone to install projectors. YAY! Do they work? YAY!!! Although... we lack sound... great.
"Michelle, where's this?" "Sorry, i don't know where to put this." "Michelle?" "Michelle?"
*twitch* ok.... >:( one at a time. We got a shipment of stuff. Including TVs. YAY!!!! we have 4 out of 8 TVs. So I'm like Ok... start setting up, we'll continue later. Start setting up.
5:30; we have 4 TVs, no sound, and missing games..... This isn't good....
We shut the doors (FYI we're 8 people in my room setting up) everyone is flipping out.
6; Amanda calls: "Is everyone ready?" Gaming isn't we're having technical issues. STILL. We finally got our TVs YAY! So we were set...With sound issues and guess who fixed them... The one who knows NOTHING of sound mixers... I'm like: "You said that that was the output right? does the mixer have that in it?" "No it... wait...*volunteer goes and checks* yes it does." *plugs it in* YAY!!!
we ended up having to put a "Not ready" sign on our doors, and opening at 6:45. I had a tournament to run at 7. Delayed tournament by half an hour (not to bad) i got a volunteer to do sign-ups, and within 20, Smash bros 64 had 13 people. Wow. Honestly, that was fast. A few people were getting restless so i ended up having to start. And believe or not, we actually had3 (count the,; 1, 2, 3) not show up i'm like WTF? and another guy played, won, and ninja'd. went POOF. so i got the final 7 to pick a number and the winner had a freebie (would skip a round) We went around 3 times before someone found amy number from 1 to 20. Guess what the first 2 numbers were? 7, and 13! LOL
The guy who won (Grats Michael if ever you find this) Was a little surprised to win. He played really well, and he told me at one poitn that he was nervous. I can understand, in the semis and not really expecting it, yeah... it'd put pressure on me too.
By the time i left (11:15) Brawl sign-ups were FULL. We'll start waiting list tomorrow.
We still had missing games, and a bit of messups, but you know what? it's kinda to be expected. well it is 1am, and i REALLY ought to go to bed, getting up at 7:30 (i think i told my dad that) to stop at work and get a couple of arizona iced tea stopping at bank, and go to the PDC for 9.
Night guys! will talk about day 2 tomorrow! (hopefully)

PS: I was dressed up as Dawn/Hikari from the Diamond and Pearl pokemon series, everyone loved the leg-thingies my mom made! =)
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