(no subject)

Dec 31, 2005 00:53

Or is it just some game we play?
Does God outline it in the Bible?
It wouldn't matter even so,
half of the words are lost in translation.
That's one of my favorite movies.
I think I'll rent it, and watch it tomorrow.
It might bring back some peace.
And that awkward feeling that I adore so much.
That feeling, not being the awful awkwardness that I mean feeling currently.

Anyways, back to the universe being made up of pawn,
That we ourselves like to call humans.
We will eventually destroy ourselves.
Whether it be emotionally,
Or by nothing other then confusion,
Or a lost feeling
We will be destroyed.
We may do it in numbers,
Or by ourselves.
No matter what way,
There will be a ripple effect.

Is love really what we make of it?
What we put in,
And get out on the other end?
Is it worth all the arguments?
Or should there truly be any?
Only disagreements,
That can be settled over a nice cup of coffee.
This feeling,
That I thought I understood so well.
Can predict the future.
Untwist the misunderstood.
I use to guide.
I still do.
But it is only because I've learned so much
By my own misfortunes.
Where does that put me on the map?
One big misunderstanding.

I am standing here,
For the every first time in my life.
I have counted.
There are now three people that I can count on,
Whom will not be named at this time.
And probably never mentioned again in the writing.

This notation is for the masses.
It is a guide,
To be used as a tool.
Not to rip apart your current relationships,
But to look into yourself,
Not only at the mirror.
Is this truly what you want?
Can you see yourself with this person 20 years down the road?
Will you a make a life with them?

Those of you whom aren't "currently attached,"
Have you found the one that has
Set your standard.
Maybe you don't even know them.
But non-the-less, you have a model.

I for one have many models,
And fear that I will never cease to
"Trying on a new pair of pants."
Does this make me shallow?
Does this mean that I will forever
Be alone.
Certainly not.
I can test out new waters with the one I'm with.
Well, hope that he let's me.
And even then will I still continue to experiment.

I will never stop living.
Or adjusting for anyone.
For the longest time,
I think this was my biggest downfall.
Maybe it still is.
Minus the fact that I am often times rude,
I don't read enough,
I drink too much coffee,
I don't get enough sleep,
I, to some, have a mood disorder.
To others I have multiple.

Dear You,
This no longer bothers me.
Nor did it ever.
Tell yourself that I mock
Because I feel sorry for myself.
And I am rude and selfish because I have nothing better to do with my time.
I am an awful person [sometimes].
I realize this.
And I'm sorry you've wasted even a moment figuring that out for yourself.
Have a wonderful day.
And a beautiful -rest of your life.-

Some people claim I live in the past.
I will argue.
I must!
Well, at least learn from it.
Without learning, and growing
Whats the sense of living at all?
Some of you whom haven't found this "Divine Creator"
Or are like me, struggling to find a steady balance.
This is all we get.
As far as we know.
Why not: live, learn, make mistakes.
Have a ball.
What's stopping you from experiencing?

Who are we to define love anyways?
Who are we to make it our own?
Is love something you can capture and make your own?
Is it something you can mold at your or will,
The way you see fit.

This is not a test.
Is this true love?
Or is it all just a misunderstanding?
Who are we to define what's to be experienced
In this life,
And in the next?

Learn to let go.

Follow your heart.
But don't let it stray.

Don't let your words fall on deaf eyes.
Do not abuse your right to find
True love.
[For it is for the masses.]
Develop it.
Nurture it like a small seed.
Watch it grow.
And touch the lives around you.
You will glow, and fill your environment with happiness.
As long as you are not living a fake emotion.

Get in the game.

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