Oct 31, 2004 09:40
Yes, thats right my friends, I'm now sporting the patch of the 1st Virginia Regiment, the oldest military unit in the United States of America. We were a US Army regiment before there was a US Army. Its great. It was that or put on the patch of those idiots from Hawaii, the 25th Inf. Div. Those guys are going to get us all killed. If I'm going to die, its going to be with the patch of a regiment built on pride, not one built to fill a slot. The 1st Virginia were there to answer the call to fight the oppresion of King George III before the minute men. They were there to fight the oppression of the Federal Gov't in 1861. They were there in the Stonewall Brigade in the valley and then in Ewell's corps at Gettysburg and until the end of the war. They were there when we fought the Axis powers in WWI and then again in WWII. They were on the beaches of Normandy, and on into Berlin. WHOO HOO VA! Now they are here in Iraq setting the standard on how to fight the terrorists of a country without attacking innocent civilians. The tradition of pride will continue as long as this patch is on my arm.