Fic Commentary

Sep 13, 2010 11:27

The meme seems to be going around again. Apparently I haven't done any commentaries since last July (yes, I looked), and things at work are exploding in a most irksome manner, so clearly that means I need something shiny to play with instead (actually I'm hoping it can prove to be some sort of reward motivator to get some shit accomplished).

How it works:

You go to my master list and pick a one-shot, or a single chapter of one of my multichapters, and comment to this post with your selection. You can do a quick check to see if it's something I've already commented on by a skim of this tag. I then (as a separate post) do a commentary about that fic, which may or may not include canon meta, wondering what on Earth I was thinking, tmi, and general arsing around.

And for your time, here's the greatest thing I've ever seen, found via ancientandforever @tumblr.

source: mimi-na @deviantart

!memery, !fic commentary

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