Attention! My rec list now lives at, and I'm not updating this post any more.
Much more up-to-date recs can be found by following this link. Title:
A Blurry SnapshotAuthor:
miss_prufrock Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose, OC narrator
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Anyone who claims not to pass the time people-watching on the train is a complete liar. You piece a collage of casually gleaned details into your own blurry snapshot of what the lives of people whose acquaintance remains unspoken are like. You decide on their personality, based on how they sit or stand, or what their reading material is. You start to wonder whether they’re happy.
Rec Notes: When they're as well done as this, I have such a soft spot for stories that give us a glimpse in to how the Doctor and Rose look from an outsider's perspective. This is a gorgeously-written piece, understated, quiet, moving, and with an iconic image embedded in it that is just begging to be recreated by a fanartist (please?).
A Change in the WeatherAuthor:
englshangel Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen (some mild sexual content)
Summary: Rose and the new Doctor explore what it means to be human.
Rec Notes: I swear I will never tire of alt!Ten Learns to be Human stories, because as many humans as there are in the world, there are that many different ways to learn to be one.
englshangel presents the Doctor growing up, but in fast-motion and all at once. Characteristically evocative language and wonderful dialogue and characterisation make this the full package. And I'm not just biased 'cos I betaed it!
A Different Sort of Shag or DieAuthor:
azriona Pairing/Characters: Ten II/Rose, Pete Tyler
Rating: R for innuendo
Summary: The advantage of being Pete Tyler is not the power, or the money, or the instant recognition - or so the Doctor and Rose are about to find out.
Rec Notes: I think my new favourite sub-genre is Upside-Down Shag-or-Die. On this rec list you'll now find Shag or Be Inconvenienced in Some Way, Don't Shag or Die, and now this one, which could be termed Shag and Then Die by Jackie Tyler's Hand. I love Ten II in this so very, very much. Such a trouble-maker.
A Very Hospitable SpeciesAuthor: Platypus
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: "Are you trying to say you took me to an orgy? By accident?"
Rec Notes: Old!fic is old and the fact that it never got on my rec list before now is a heinous oversight on my part. Platypus presents a logical solution to sex-pollen/shag-or-die scenario that no one ever seems to address, but then makes with the hot consensual sex in the end anyway. It's fantastic.
Clinging to the Wreckage Until I Got the MessageAuthor:
paperclipbitch Pairing/Characters: Ianto/Owen
Rating: PG-15
Summary: “You need something other than this in your life, Owen,” Ianto murmurs.
Rec Notes:
cot_reviews had me reading Torchwood fic, which I don't normally do (I can barely handle one fandom, let alone two), and I think I may be a bit weak for Ianto/Owen. The Owen POV in this fic takes no prisoners, as Owen and Ianto basically do the Torchwood equivalent of stealing each other's pencil boxes and pulling each other's hair until finally they get it over with and snog.
Donna Noble: Beta ReaderAuthor: nostalgia
Pairing/Characters: Ten and Donna
Rating: Hilarious (salty language throughout)
Summary: Donna Betas the Doctor's turgid Angel fanfic
Rec Notes: I think I broke something laughing.
The Dangers of AccessorizingAuthor:
_thirty2flavors Pairing/Characters: Ten II/Rose, Jake, OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: When Rose told the story, she would insist it started with the Doctor buying a purse.
Rec Notes: A very very droll little tale of alt!Ten getting in to a mild bit of trouble (some of it involving aliens, much of it involving unexpected!gay bar). And also there is much debate over the nature of his man-bag (no longer having dimensionally transcendent pockets has some serious down-sides).
The Devil You KnowAuthor:
rosa_acicularis Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Question is: how do you tell the difference?
Rec Notes: If I say anything about it other than simply, "brilliant" I'll give away the plot and the various twists. So, I'll just stick with "brilliant!"
englshangel Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose, with a side of Proper!Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
Summary: Post JE fic but a little bit different (hopefully!) This fic focuses on Rose and her continuing struggle to adjust to life back on earth since the events of Canary Wharf. Her relationship with the new Doctor has hit a stalemate and she's not convinced they can make it better. The new Doctor, meanwhile, is enjoying salsa dancing, the Arctic Monkeys, and playing his guitar.
Rec Notes: The author's summary makes it sound like this is going to be just another Alt!Ten romp (not that there's anything wrong with that) but MY GOD, it is not "just another" anything. A second-person fic that really really works. Just lovely, heart-breaking, atmospheric without being navel-gazey. Brilliant.
Title: The Evolution of Rose (
Part 1: Quickening |
Part 2: Healing |
Part 3: Companions |
Part 4: Imagination and Intimacy |
Part 5: Realizations and Resolutions |
Part 6: A Life Unimagined; A Life FantasticAuthor:
ladychi Pairing/Characters: Rose/Jimmy Stone, Rose/Mickey, Rose/Jack, Rose/Nine, Rose/Ten, Rose/alt!Ten
Rating: Adult
Summary: A story, in six parts, about how sexuality develops.
Rec Notes: Because Rose's story is more than just adventures in time and space. It's a comming-of-age story, and
ladychi explores that theme from the beginning, before the Doctor, before "Run!" A fascinating exploration of a girl becoming a woman.
Fear ThisAuthor:
unfolded73 Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: During the events of "Fear Her," Rose tries to work out what it means to be in a relationship with the Doctor.
Rec Notes: Fear This presents a rather more alien version of the Doctor than
unfolded73 normally writes, but still one who is, in his own way, in love with Rose, and wants an intimate relationship with her. Rose and he try to figure out how to make a cross-species love affair work. See also the Ten II/Rose angsty!sexy follow-up,
Feel This. Title:
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (series)
unfolded73 Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult overall
Summary: The lives of Rose and alt!Ten, post-Journey's End
Rec Notes: I love the way unfolded73 combines deep thinky thoughts with blistering hot smut, and is also unafraid to "go there", no matter where "there" may be, as long as it serves the story.
np_complete Pairing/Characters: OCs, Jackie Tyler, Historical Doctor/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: Half Time Lord, all human. In the future, one extraordinary man lives an almost entirely unremarkable life. (Almost.)
Rec Notes: This is a complete and utter gem and I am thoroughly ashamed at myself that it took me this long to read it. The story of Dr. John Tyler, the grown son of Rose and the Doctor (this is a pre-series-4 fic, so Doomsday was the last they ever saw of one another) as seen through the eyes of the very normal, sensitive, clever woman that he falls in love with. It is as quiet and unassuming as its two central characters, but it will leave you breathless with its depth of feeling.
Title: How to Turn on a Time Lord (lessons
1 and
Author: the carlisle cooperative (
carlisle_coop )
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: Does exactly what it says on the tin.
Rec Notes: They are not lying, it does do what it says on the tin. Also turns me on.
Led into TemptationAuthor:
k_haldane Pairing/Characters: Jack's Coat/the Doctor's Coat, implied Jack/Jack's Coat
Rating: None, but I'd give it a teen for innuendo and coat!sex
Summary: Just look at the pairings. That's really all you need to know.
Rec Notes: My new OTP. I may be the most pathetic fangirl ever, but this fic nearly made me cry, even though it's total crack and rather ridiculous. By the end I was sniffling and wailing, "THEIR LOVE IS SO PURE!" Go read it and tell me I'm not insane.
The Lostverse (series)
unfolded73 Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose, and, like everyone ever.
Rating: Teen -> Adult depending on story
Summary: Starts with a Ten/Rose reunion written early during series 4, then everything goes AU after 4x06.
Rec Notes: Again with my gushing over unfolded73. Insert it here. Be warned however that the last story (as of this writing) A Little More Time is pretty much the saddest thing you will ever read.
Love is Not AllAuthor: the_signorina (
lpmufinfiend )
Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: I might be driven to sell your love for peace,// Or trade the memory of this night for food.// It may well be. I do not think I would. -- Edna St. Vincent Millay, Love Is Not All.
Rec Notes: Could use some proof-reading/Britpicking but do not let that dissuade you. This is at various times gorgeous, humorous, and hot as hell.
The Loved 'Verse (series)
fid_gin Pairing/Characters: Ten/Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen -> Adult depending on story/chapter
Summary: Can he, literally, live with himself?
Rec Notes: A new 'verse canon reboot makes this AU Ten/Rose/Alt!Ten series even better, if such a thing is even possible. Many of the fics in this series comprise my favourite Who fics of any pairing and any genre. I can not recommend them highly enough. Particular favourites are the collaborations with
unfolded73 Alone Time,
Unspeakable and
Feeling by Proxy Do yourself a favour and get on this 'verse bandwagon immediately.
Lust and MonstersAuthors:
unfolded73 and
fid_gin Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: The Doctor and Rose find it difficult to confront their changing relationship when constantly interrupted by alien threats. A story set during the latter part of Series 2.
Rec Notes: The story opens immediately after the Doctor and Rose's first time, and goes from there as they try to figure out if and when there will be a second time. It's by turns USTy, funny, and hot.
The Man in the MoonAuthor:
orange_crushed Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose (mostly Alt!Ten)
Rating: Teen
Summary: It's a Ten Regeneration fic, you have been warned.
Rec Notes: A tiny little vignette dealing with the Tenth Doctor's regeneration, as seen though the eyes and mind of alt!Ten. Not to be missed, even if you're still feeling a bit woobie about the regen.
Muscle MemoryAuthor:
smirnoffmule Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa
Rating: R
Summary: Ianto comes to terms with loss, while he and Jack come to terms with each other.
Rec notes: Another result of my work for
cot_reviews . This is perhaps the most honest portrait of grieving I've ever read. Ianto mourns Lisa, Jack mourns his previous relationship with Ianto, now shattered by what Ianto did. This is a tightly-written, sensitive, truthful look at how the two of them move forward.
On PurposeAuthor:
lady_chi Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen+
Summary: Rose thinks he might be doing it on purpose. The Doctor knows she's doing it on purpose.
Rec Notes:
lady_chi wrote this for me for my birthday and beyond being very touched by the gesture, this fic just about killed me dead with the UST. And then there's the sniffles at the end. Perfect!
Out of TouchAuthor:
fid_gin Pairings/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Hard R for sexy-talk
Summary: “Rather thoughtless, really. They might have at least added a libido suppressant while they were tinkering a way to turn all horny males into deadly weapons.”
Rec Notes: So, one fine day
fid_gin was trolling for prompts and we started throwing around fic cliches. I asked what "Don't Shag or Die" might look like, and this is Fiddy's answer. It's wonderful. It's by turns funny, hot, tender and... hot. Also check out
ladychi 's companion piece,
Writer's Block.
Path of NeedlesAuthor: TARDIS_stowaway
Pairing/Characters: Nine, Ten, Rose, Jack, the whole gang
Rating: All ages
Summary: Once upon a time, she had abided in the world where lives did not begin with ‘once upon a time.’ No more. Rose walks through the woods. Meanwhile, the Doctor deals with an abundance of Bad Wolf references.
Rec Notes: I'm finding this one allegorically delicious. Some very interesting ideas about the Time War as well.
Performance AnxietyAuthor: Platypus
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Donna
Rating: Adult
Summary: The Doctor and Donna face an age-old dilemma: shag, or die?
Rec Notes: You heard it right here first - there's a Ten/Donna fic on my rec list. Shag or Die, snarky Ten & Donna style, with an overall vibe of friendship, not romance. Sometimes when the aliens demand it, you've just gotta shag your hot best friend, right?
PetalsAuthor: Kate Andrews
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: The Doctor and Rose go to Amsterdam. Blistering hot porn ensues.
Rec Notes: This was written several years ago now and it doesn't appear that the author has written anything else in this fandom since 2006 but, um, this fic is incredibly incredibly hot. The Doctor and Rose, in Amsterdam, having rather public sex. Guh. But with the extra added bonus of really sparkling Ten/Rose repartee and a Tenth Doctor who is both charming and cheeky, in that way that he is, plus pretty openly horny.
The Process of Becoming (series)
kalleah Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: All ages -> Adult depending on story
Summary: "Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." - Anais Nin
Rec Notes: Any author that can work in Anais Nin quotations and Sartre in to plausible DW fic has my full props.
The Quiet ChamberAuthor:
kalleah Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
Summary: She wanted desperately to hold his hand but felt the uncertainty come upon her again. He was out there, on the other side of the Void, but yet he was here too. She wanted to rage and cry and lash out at him - both hims, either him - but she wanted to fall upon him just as badly. It was a dizzying combination.
Rec Notes: Really sweet and lovely and real Alt!Ten fic. Very understated and quietly gorgeous.
ninamusing Pairing/Characters: Nine/Rose/Jack
Rating: Teen+
Summary: A WIP now at 11 chapters, Relict is like the Mona Lisa of three-way UST and hurt/comfort (or is that hurt/comfort/comfort?). I think I forgot to breathe in places. I'm not a huge reader of Doctor/Rose/Jack OT3, but I am so glad this story's beta recced it to me. I love it and I can't wait for more (and hopefully a bit of resolution, as the UST is really ratcheted about as high as it could possibly go).
pellnell Pairing/Characters: Doctor/Rose, Jackie
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Written for
doctor_rose_las . Jackie watches the Doctor and Rose.
Rec Notes: Does what it says on the tin, and I do love a well-written outside-observer story. This time the observer isn't an OC but Jackie Tyler, watching her daughter and the Doctor interact, and it's a very lovely little vignette.
Seed PearlsAuthor:
honorh Pairing/Characters: Nine (and in a way Ten)/Rose
Rating: Teen
Summary: When all Rose's memories of the Doctor are stripped away from her, she knows something is terribly wrong--but occasionally, just occasionally, the universe gives back as much as it takes away.
Rec Notes: A classic. A really sweet, lovely story with a happy ending. So rare in Who fandom!
Sew it Up, But You Still See the TearAuthor: thedeadparrot
Pairing/Characters: Martha Jones, the Jones family, Tom Milligan
Rating: All Ages
Summary: She's realized that she wants to build herself a new life, a bigger one, one that can fit people who aren't the last of the Time Lords. Martha Jones in the aftermath.
Rec Notes: A gorgeous post-LotTL character study of Martha as she puts her life back together, and shores up the walls in order to be able to withstand the gale force of the Doctor once again.
Sex, Love and TimeAuthor:
gowdie Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: The Doctor learns a number things during his first night as a part human Time Lord.
Rec Notes:
gowdie wrote this story for me, via the generosity of
wiggiemomsi so of course I love it! But you will too--it's got the duplicate Doctor and Rose and their first night in Norway, it's got mulled wine and a fire, and it's got the Doctor's time sense and a series of absolutely glorious vignettes, many of them very funny. And it's
gowdie so it's gotta be good.
She and Him WereAuthor:
pellnell Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: "Were you and him...?" After Donna asks the question, Rose comes to terms with the answer.
Rec Notes: I love UST, but it's damn near impossible to get UST and smut in the same fic, yet pellnell has accomplished it.
The Silver Dollar ParadigmAuthor:
ladychi Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
Summary: The Doctor and Rose tackle a vengeful ghost, temporal shifts, and an adventure that will test their relationship. AU after Doomsday.
Rec Notes: I love the way
ladychi writes Ten and Rose. This fic presents as a missing episode from series 2... if Rose had come back quicklike. The banter, the flirtation (though it's implied they're in a relationship off-screen), the mystery, the creepy ghost story, it's all just grand. So much fun.
The Six Stages of A Human Time Lord Biological Metacrisis (Or: How I stopped worrying and learned to love the frosting)Author:
gowdie Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen so far, though we've been promised teh secks later
Summary: You may have heard this one before. The Doctor learns to adapt. This time with the help of a few fights, a baby TARDIS, love and, eventually, sex.
Rec Notes: I both love it and hate it when I read fics that make me want to go and delete my entire oeuvre. This fic is now complete and it even made me okay with the baby TARDIS, which is hard to do because I am very much "nay" on that concept.
The Sums of ThingsAuthor:
shinyopals Pairing/Characters: Alt!Ten (the 14th Doctor)/Rose
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the end of the universe that wasn't, the Doctor and Rose are together again. But they're still as jeopardy friendly as ever, and Rose's job at Torchwood very quickly throws them into another dangerous situation. (Post-JE, sort of ish canon compliant. If you squint. Fluff, romance, action/adventure and a smidge of angst.)
Rec Notes: What if the Doctor in the blue suit at the end of Journey's End wasn't a human/Time Lord hybrid but was in fact the 14th Doctor? Another scenario in which I'm okay with the baby TARDIS, so I heartily approve! A fun, rollicking adventure with plenty of Doctor/Rose cuteness.
You That Way; We This WayAuthor:
nonelvis Characters/Pairing(s): Ten/duplicate Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: It isn’t as though the Doctor intended to visit Rose and his duplicate. At least, that’s what he tries to tell himself.
Rec Notes: The Trifecta of Awesome is achieved by this one. By turns really truly humorous, hot, and poignant. Wonderful character dialogue.
And finally, not a fic rec but a vid rec. I don't really do vids too much because, well, usually I hate the music. But, this right here is the most amazing, wonderful, terrifying, fantastic, brilliant Tenth Doctor vid ever made:
HandlebarsArtist: Flobots
flummery Summary: The Tenth Doctor is a pretty nifty guy with some unique talents. He's very amusing and whimsical. Oh, look, now he's committing genocide and everyone is dying. Again.
Rec Notes: Ten Haters and Ten Lovers can finally agree on something! This vid apparently is beloved on both sides of the Ten divide, and rightly so. Some people are legitimately bothered by Ten's bloody terrifying dark side, while some others (er, me) find that to be just one more reason to love the character. This vid doesn't pick sides.
Phew, this is hard work! I will keep adding to it as I remember, "Oh, there was that one! And that other one, with the thing! And that one where they...!" And, if, based on what I've recced here you think there's something I absolutely must read, please do comment with it. Thank you!