Title: The Tao of Rose (or: Zen and the Art of Time Lord Maintenance)
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Ten2 (all together)
Rating: Adultish for soft-focus secks and Tencest
Summary: Perhaps a bit more srs than the title would suggest. Rose and the human Doctor nurse the Time Lord back to health and make some discoveries along the way.
A/N: Good lord
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Comments 33
I'll leave it to someone better suited to review properly.
I'm exhausted today for some reason and incapable of saying anything really intelligent, but this was a lovely gift to come home to - and it's not even my birthday month! I'll consider myself one of the giftees all the same. :)
<3 Douglas Adams.
And what a lovely fic. I admit, I'm not enthusiastic about 10/Other10/Rose, but this works really, really well. ^_^
I'm a big believer in the OT3, but it is hard as anything to write. The only way I can deal with it is to send one of the Doctors off somewhere else for a good portion of the story (or keep them convalescing in bed!). I'm glad it worked for you, though. :)
Beyond that, the smut was not so much smokin' hawt as it was flawlessly gorgeous, and I think that's almost better in a way.
Wonderfully done, the_tenzo. Absolutely wonderfully done.
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