September Support Stacie Author AuctionI just signed up! All the stupidity surrounding our health care reform bill reminded me to go do that (for those of you who don't know, Stacie needs our support because she is one of the millions of Americans fighting a serious illness without health insurance).
Anyway, I'll be auctioning off one 2500-5000 word fic, and you guys already know what my proclivities are in regards to pairings, characters and genres.
As a bidding incentive, I'll be doing something a bit different (I'm usually no good at churning out a lot of drabbles and ficlets on demand so I had to take another route). The first day of the auction (Friday, September 11) I'm going to post the beginning of a fic. For every bid I get in my auction that increases the previous bid by at least $10, I'll post a bit more of the story. If people keep bidding, I'll keep posting, throughout the weekend. If you want to see what happens, you'll have to bid!
As an incentive for other Doctor Who fandom authors to sign up, drop me a line in this post and I will do a custom banner and icon set for you (images of your choosing, or you can let me pick), advertising you, your fabulousness, and the auction, for you to display. Even if you've already signed up, do let me know if you want a banner.