Don't Panic!

Jun 11, 2009 13:30

I know I probably shouldn't fret over stuff like this, but I do.

I'm about to do a mass de-friending. IT'S NOTHING BAD!!! No one has said or done anything, there has been no wank (that I know of or care about), I'm not forsaking this journal or the fandom or writing fic, it's nothing like any of that.

It's like this: The fact that I friend people back on this journal is actually totally silly. This is a fic-only journal (+ the occasional picspam). I don't ever read its friends-list. The only time I even log on as
the_tenzo  is to post something. So I've stopped friending people back when they friend this journal. But then I started worrying that those folks might think that I think that the people I have friended back are somehow better or whatever (see, I told you I should not fret over stuff like this and the overwhelming probability is that nobody cares) or that I like them more etc etc etc paranoia-cakes.

I encourage people to friend this journal if they want fic and picspam updates in a convenient manner. But if you actually want to, like, read my thoughts on yaoi the current disgusting grey humid weather where I live, or the varieties of tomatoes in my garden, feel free to investigate my primary journal (
papilio_luna ). And that is a friends-list that I do read (compulsively at times).

tl;dr: this journal having mutual friends is sort of silly and gives the wrong impression and has the potential to create unintentional hurt feelings.
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