Hello, faithful reader, and welcome to the commentary for
Xenohorticulture and You, requested by
adovesosoiled . If you'd like to get a request in for commentary,
here's the original post.
This is absurdly long. )
Comments 10
Honestly, I'm new enough to this fandom that I've never read an "alien sex pollen" story, either. I'm not so sure I'd count this as one.
I LOVE "ghastly soy rubbish"! The Doctor would probably pout through tea at my house.
"A Room with a View", awesome! Never seen the film, though.
I'm sure in the course of their long relationship, the Doctor and Rose have had their share of inexplicable *urges* at wildly inappropriate times. I think its totally plausible for them not to catch on right away!
I love the "Hello" thing. Freaking adorable.
I like the idea of the Doctor and Rose's relationship staying undefined. Not that I have anything against marriage or marriage!fic in general, it just seems like two intrepid time-traveling wunder-lovers might not be so hung up on cultural expectations.
"Poor" William, right? Haha, that bit kills me!
Thanks so much! (I'm *this* close to writing my first fic right now...and the insight into someone else's writing process is mucho appreciated.)
(The comment has been removed)
*throws her porny surprise Doctor/Rose/William fic out of the window*
I'm soooo totally kidding about that, by the way.
And don't think I'm not tempted with the teacher/naughty pupil prompt.
"I originally wrote this story due to a very crafty little power play executed by wiggiemomsi in the second Support Stacie Author Auction. What wound up happening was that she won gowdie , who I'd really wanted to win (who wouldn't?), but then "gave" gowdie to me, thereby activating a vow I'd made during the bidding that if I did win gowdie , I'd write porn in celebration. This is that porn. gowdie then wrote Love, Sex, and Time for me." -- So, are we going to play this game again during the next 'Support Stacie Author Auction?' It was FUN!
"To date however I've only ever written wall!sex once, and that was in my most recently published fic. I generally try to avoid it, I've never been able to pull it off my own self and I prefer to write what I know." -- Ha! Practice makes perfect, you know!
You can't write something like this without actually writing the fic in question, just so you know.
I have a big problem with the way most kissing is described in smut.
YES. THIS. I hate describing kissing in smut; it's much harder for me to do than actually describing the smut itself, for some reason. Probably this is because with so few body parts involved, next thing you know, you've written "their tongues vied for supremacy in a battle in which each was the winner."
Finally, ignore Firefox. "Ichor" is totally a word.
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