Sep 02, 2005 18:22

sorry about the LJ absence for the last few days. i have been furiously packing and preparing myself (not mentally, of course, just phisically) for leaving home. i am in spokane now, writing from the motel where we're staying tonight. tomorrow at ten i move into my dorm, and from then until i-don't-even-know-when i am busy as all heck with orientation stuff. so there could very well be more lj silence on the way.

i am ok at the moment. last night and this morning were rough, but once we got out of hillsboro i was able to stop thinking about how i won't see my home again for another two months. i'm still not exactly perky, as evidenced by this bland update, but i'm not sobbing and dripping uncontrollably so it's a step in the right direction. um, just as some background, i am having monthly hormonal wackiness at the moment, so this moving out ordeal is much more intense than it needs to be. i like to think that, if it was a different time of the month, i would not be crying my eyes out about leaving the house (it's not even about leaving my family yet, they're here with me in spokane), buuut there's no telling. i remember when we moved from our old house (in the front of our property) to our new house (on the back of our property), i was 'old house homesick' for a while. granted, i was in first grade, but still. i could see the old house from my bedroom window, for pete's sake! i could walk up the driveway and visit it if i wanted! anyway, the point is that i guess i've never been good with change.

this is rambling, pointless and boring so i think i'm going to stop. i wish i had it in me to comment on everyone's journals, but i'm just feeling so dull right now i don't think it's worth it. i will leave everyone fun and interesting comments once i'm up to it, i promise! until then, keep posting about how well you're adjusting, because that keeps me hopeful :) i miss everybody
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