(no subject)

Apr 16, 2009 13:03

[filtered to Zeetha/easy to hack]

So, is there anything to do in this town at all? We're gonna be stuck here for a while until the ship gets repaired, I know, but for fuck's sake, it's a logging town. What do they do here anyway, have quaint little festivals and make overpriced souvenirs? Man, there's got to be something good, or I'm going to go starkers.

[filtered to Bangladesh Dupree/easy to hack]

How're things over on your ship? The Way's stuck in this hellhole of a logging town, and there's nothing to do. At all. There's only so many times you can polish the cannons, really, and then the kids keep after you to ask what you're doing--I mean, shit, it's enough to make you want to set a fire just for the hell of it.

And there's been no luck in finding someone to keep the bed warm when I'm off gallivanting around and having fun. There's a couple of blokes who're not too bad on the eyes, but they probably expect me to date them and go ape over flowers and all that. Either that, or they were raised by gorillas, and don't speak much human language at all.

I haven't had much fun, come to think of it, since we sent half of the bar running away home to their mums with their tails between their legs back in Kropmork. Damn, why can't we be on the same ship?

logging town, nothing to do, pouty when she doesn't get her way

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