#8's advent is going to be a little bit about the clothes many martial artists wear. In Japanese, it is called a "keikogi".
The "Keiko" can be replaced with the name of the art being practiced such as judogi, karategi, and jujitsugi. In english we've shrunk it to just "gi"(pronounced "gee"). The different styles of gis have come from the neccesities of the differing arts. a Karate gi is much lighter than it's jujitsu or judo counterpart. Being more lightweight, they give more freedom of movement and bears closer resemblance to its origins as the undergarments of farmers. Judo and jujitsu gis are much heavier and are a bit longer in the sleaves and legs than the karate gi. The added weight is from the heavy stitching for the lifting, pulling, throwing and all around more abuse to the clothes. The folds of the front are worn left over right(right over left only if you are a dead person) and held closed with a belt. Gis can come in all colors and sizes, most commonly in white, blue, and black.