this link was posted on BCO but i thought that some of my cat-loving readers may thoroughly enjoy this article:
Cat's daily routing baffles owner as one person commented on the thread; only in England to cats do awesome stuff like this.
as for me, i had a bout of severe depression for a couple of days that left me bedridden (stupid winter) until Mark came over and made me get up and out on saturday. we took a walk and ended up at Leah's, where we chatted and watched some Sonic Youth videos and part of American Hardcore and ate some Thai food. later i picked up Eryn & Heather and we went to Ronny's to see Clip'd Beaks and Tirra Lirra. i ran into some old-school pals and had quite a delightful time.
on sunday i went to brunch with Heather & Piotr and then ran some errands and then ended up having a brutal stomachache the rest of the day/night. it sucked. oh, i also accidentally deleted everything in my iTunes and was pretty bummed about that. luckily, ALMOST everything there was backed up.
yesterday i hung out a lot with Mark, we watched Deep Red and i have decided that i am in love with Dario Argento films and i must have them all. so beautiful. Mark commented that i get a little bit too excited over decapitation scenes....go figure. we went out to Foot where i had 3 beers that made me TOTALLY DRUNK (hadn't eaten much) and today i am....hungover. from three beers. lame.
i've also been getting a TON of shit done. these days off have been perfect. although, i'm having some more issues with medical bills (i hate Unicare insurance i hate Unicare insurance i hate Unicare insurance) so i have to go out later and sell sell sell records and books.
anyone wanna buy my nice Gary Fischer bike?