attn: friends whom i correspond with mostly over the interweb,
i have been ridiculously busy and have not had much internet time to respond to emails, messages, etc. that have not been of the utmost importance. i apologize for me "disappearance!" but i have (almost) this entire week off work (!!!), so now is the time for catch-up. problem is, i have so many unanswered internetty messages that i'm just going to start from scratch, ok?
so, are you?
i am in numb pain (literally!). went to the dentist today for my first root canal, and it ended up that i did not need a root canal!!!! just a looooooooooot of drilling. a lot. a real real lot. but i love my dentist forever because he was able to remove all the decay without hitting the nerves, hence no root canal.
he took pictures of my tooth as he worked on it and then showed them to me before and after the fillings were put in. pre-filling, my tooth looked exactly like this:
(but with bigger holes!)
my tooth is about 65% (maybe more?) fillings now, and i'll still need a crown, but today i only had to pay $300 rather than $2000! woohoo.
this (financially) allows me to get my shitty-looking canine fixed on thursday before the wedding.
ah, yes, the wedding. i will be a bridesmaid on saturday. planning for this wedding has been an absolute nightmare of epic proportions but i CANNOT WAIT until it is over. or at least, happening. at least i have my dress, shoes and will (hopefully) have nice visible teeth for the event.
congrats to Angie, my new favorite babymama:
oh yeah, new life plan:
i've decided to go to the Aveda Institute to become and esthetician! beauty school, here i come!