I don't know if I posted this before, but last year I managed to convince a local shop owner to buy hats from me. My mother and I decorate hats and we make them beautiful.
As nice as that hat is, we haven't got back to her for a long time. She also called wanting me to help her plan tea parties. She has a shop that throws parties. Most of her parties are very flashy and not the type I would throw, but she wants me to come and throw parties with her. I would not be employed by her, in a strict sense, if this works out, but I would have some income doing something that I like and am good at. This would also help me not have to find a "real job", meaning that my parents would like me to get a job at a fast food establishment because I need to grow up and pay for college.
Anyway, I have a menu sort of planned out for a little girls' tea party and I have been looking for some cute, inexpensive china and tea-tiers. This is my first real-world foyer into business, so we wanted to meet up with my "client" while my father is here, because he has already been trained to think of business-y type things. Later, I'll type up my menu and post it here so that you guys (read
little_robi) can read. I am really excited about this because I have never had a job before, except for babysitting which isn't a "real job" anyway. Also I need monies for college and tea and shit.
P.S. We went to The English Rose Tearoom in Chattanooga. It is a truly British experience and owned and operated by a bona-fide British lady. My uncle, who is visiting, bought me The Great Tearooms of Britain there! I've read about four wonderful and lovely tearooms so far and I am in love with all of them.
EDIT: As I said before, I decorate tea hats. If you would like to have one made for you, I'll send it to you if you send me some monies in return.