Aug 03, 2010 23:35
I am going to crack open my new HoME books tonight and read some Tolkien. I've been reading about Doctor Who all day long, and it's time for some serious Tolkien. Not LotR, not Roverandom, not appendices, but some dense stuff. Sometimes you've just got to read something you haven't read before (well, it's Tolkien, as long as you've read TH, LotR, The Sil, and UT you've pretty much got everything ME related, and unless you seriously care about it, you know enough). I wonder if I could get away with reading Tolkien as school work... Hmmmm....
I thought about it because I was on the Downs, and being on the Downs typically makes you think about Tolkien a bit, well, it should. I need to discuss something soon, otherwise my brain will turn to mush. I like discussing things, I just don't do it very well or very often. Well, that's a lie. I do it in school, and nobody knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, the only thing that's got me excited on the Downs recently is Phantom and Alien and the Downer. THE sure-fire ways to make me happy. Anyway, where was I? Oh, discussing. On the Downs. It needs to be done.
So, reading and Downsing shall be my objective. Sometime. I still need to research homeschooling and such. Still crossing my fingers for Polaris this semester, though. Do you know how much I'd be missing if I didn't go back this semester? So much!
You know, I always think up good thread ideas when I am ten minutes away from sleep. That's when my brain starts working fast. Technically my brain starts working at about 22.00 and stops working at about 1.00. That's usually when I get my fantastic brain storms. They really, REALLY confuse me. My mind goes mad and all I can do is try to concentrate on one thing, which usually doesn't work. Which raises the question of why I still do it in the first place.
In other news,
My thought of the day: Michael Palin is quite interesting.