
Nov 07, 2011 20:03

Hello and welcome to Team Swan!

Your Team Leaders are filledusoleil86 & tinylegacies. If you ever have any questions, you may ask either your team leaders or myself (
theonlyspl ).

Please obey all the rules.

Additional Rules for the team:
1. Respect your team leaders! They have the power to remove you from the group!
2. If any of your posts/entries contain mature content, please use the LJ cut and give a warning/rating.
3. Please ask a mod before posting anything that you are unsure of.
4. You will also need your own personal signature banner. For more information on this, go here.

If you are new to the team, please fill out this form about yourself and paste it as a new post. This will help your team members to get to know you a little better ;)
Age: Location: How did
you become a fan of Once Upon a Time?
Ships (couples):
Other Fandoms You Love:
Hobbies/Talents: Anything else you wanna
tell us?

Useful Links


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