Bumped from
kashmir_heroin's LJ: List ten fictional characters you would have sex with, in no particular order.
1 - Kaylee Frye of 'Firefly'
2 - Ezra Standish of 'The Magnificent Seven'
3 - Vin Tanner, Chris Larabee, Buck Wil- Let's just be honest and say the entire cast of Mag7. With the possible exceptions of Josiah and Judge Travis
4 - David of 'The Lost Boys'
5 - Sue Storm of 'The Fantastic Four' (Come on - Jessica Alba!)
6 - John Constantine of 'Hellblazer'
7 - Also the entire cast of 'The Mummy'
8 - Jack O'Neill of 'Stargate SG-1'
9 - On reflection, the entire cast of 'Firefly' too
10 - Susan Sto Helit of the 'Discworld' books