Title: The Seventh Day
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash, angst
Pairings: Chris/Ezra, Ezra/JD, Buck/JD
Disclaimer: I make no attempt to pretend that I own the Magnificent Seven
Summary: Josiah suspects there may be more going on than he's been told about
Part Four of the
Call and Fold Series (
It might be said that there are some things it is better not to know... )
I can't wait for the other stories!
Poor Josiah. That's not the sort of thing you want to just have dropped on you...no matter how much you think you want to know.
And especially in keeping the story focused on the relationship that they see but don't see. I like how you did it in this story, letting Vin be the one to bring it out before Josiah, but only at Chris' refusal to back down. That was well done and very in character to how I think Chris would behave. Nicely played.
(I love how you have a different Vin for every comment. Damn but I need some M7 icons...)
Yeah - when you couple Chris' stubbornness with his inherent belief that he can 'glower' anyone into doing or saying (or not doing and not saying) what he wants, it's a recipe for disaster. Even though usually, he's successful. But Vin never has been particularly submissive to him. Especially in matters that involve his own belief about his friends and what might hurt them. ("Penance" is one of my fave eps.)
BTW, I friended you. Hope you don't mind.
Yes, Chris is resistant to the voice of reason, even Vin's from time to time. Ella - let us not speak of her. I like to think that that lesson taught him to listen to Vin. It *should* have.
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