[Event] NPC: Gladis Hathaway

Mar 10, 2008 04:49

NPC: Gladis Hathaway [the neighbor]
Location: Outside the Harts' home. Located in an upper middle class neighborhood of Winchester, the house is a three-story Victorian that looks like it could use a little maintenance. Nevertheless, it had a tall wooden fence that cannot be seen over and security system warning stickers on the windows. No one seems to be home much at all lately, but there's activity at the modest cottage next door.

How it works: Below are three comment threads labeled I, II, and III. Reply to one of them to enter your team into that thread and write a tag just like you would for any log. Please include your team number and the time of day in your initial subject line. If another team has already claimed a thread, you cannot join it, but if that's your team, you can. This is a first-come, first serve scenario. If you don't get a chance to speak to the NPC, you'll have to find another way to obtain the information if you feel it necessary.

Bonus: Due to slowness, you can keep tagging this log even after Wednesday is over.
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