Nov 25, 2007 14:46
Watari received an email this morning from the mirror in Southeast Asia. Yes, again. It would seem that the Prime Minister of Preăh Réachéanachâkr Kâmpŭchea has gone missing. Kidnappings are not my favorite crimes but far be it for me to refuse service to such a public figure as Preah Karuna Preah Bat Sâmdech Preah Bâromneath Norodom Sihanouk Nai Preah Reacheanachakr Kampuchea that is, King Norodom Sihanouk.
Cambodia has a fairly wealthy treasury and I am sure I will be paid dearly upon receipt of the Prime Minister. Watari is trying to book me a room at any decent hotel or apartment suite in Phnom Penh. I'll be leaving on the second of December and I hope to have the case solved by Christmas so that I may return to the orphanage, I regret not being able to be here the last two years.
Roger will see to your assignments in our absence as usual.