Jan 02, 2005 21:39
i think this is going to be my last entry. for a very long time atleast. i will still read everyone on my friends list's entries. i got this journal so i could write things down, my feelings, wahts going on, random things, whatever. i never really had anyone to talk to like i could in this journal. no one would really give a shit or be interested, really care, talk about it. im not worried about anyone reading up on my personal life or anything, theres lots of things that i put in here that i wouldnt tell most people, even though anyone can read this stuff, ive never made anythign here friends only, or deleted entries, except once on the request of somone else. this journal is for me, and me only. the fact that anyone that wanted to read it could was because maybe some day somone would have been interested in something, and help me out, tahts because i didnt have anyone. so this is where this thing ends i guess, i dont need it, i dont want it, it really doesnt help anymore. ive got something thats more fulfilling than anything i have ever know prior. Love. i have somone i can talk to about anything, and i will tell her things that no one else will ever know about. its infinately better than any journal, when you can be confident of somone knowing anything about you. some of you might doubt the sincerity of what im writing, as for you, i dont give a shit what you think about it, as for the ones that dont doubt it sincere, i dont give a shit what you think about it either.
I love you Megan.