
Oct 19, 2009 22:08

Ice trainiiiiinngg......


[For the next week or so, Cirno can be encountered around the Netherworld, freezing frogs and-- no, wait, is that actual training you see going on?
  • Making really big blocks of ice and trying to keep them in the are for as long as possible.
  • Experimenting with different variations on Icicle Fall.
  • Waving around a sword ( Read more... )

etna, reisen, yoyo, ragna, urd, sanae, tsuruya, revya

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prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 05:36:23 UTC
[Now, Revya's well aware that Cirno has been getting stronger, but, well, she has shit to do, and Cirno's not important. She has, however, finally gotten off her ass and sent a minion to take care of her: a young generic Magic Knight. She is heavily bruised, clearly terrified, and appears not to have slept in days.]

Are... A-Are you... Cirno...?


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 05:38:34 UTC
Yeah, I am? What's it to you?


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 05:57:58 UTC
I-I... I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry...

[The knight's sword lights up with flame, and she lunges at Cirno.]


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 06:00:20 UTC
[Cirno panics and dives out of the way, just barely not getting burned in half.]

If you're sorry, then don't attack!


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 06:24:33 UTC
I have to! She told me to! If I don't, she'll--!

[The knight slashes again, sending a stream of fire at Cirno.]


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 06:26:59 UTC
[Cirno makes a wall of ice, just baaarely strong enough to keep the fire from getting through.]

You shouldn't worry about what she'll do if you don't attack...

...you should worry about what I WILL do if you keep it up!


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 06:29:27 UTC
[The knight leaps over the wall, coming down at Cirno in a fiery slash.]



the_strongerest October 20 2009, 06:36:11 UTC
If you really don't want to keep attacking...

[Engaging in Determinator Mode, an ice sword suddenly appears in Cirno's hands. She clashes against the Magic Knight, ice against fire.

She's clearly at a disadvantage in power, but not a complete one.]

...then I'll do you a favor and MAKE you stop!


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 06:42:09 UTC
[The knight's bloodshot eyes widen as Cirno counterattacks; she wasn't expecting this. Still mumbling apologies at a frantic rate, she breaks the standoff and attacks again.]


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 06:44:52 UTC
[Cirno flies a bit of a distance away. Time to show off the results of her training!]

Spell Card!

Diamond Blizzard!

[She points both her hands toward the knight, and fires a chaotic, wide-range machine-gun burst of small ice crystals at her.]


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 06:52:28 UTC
[The knight blocks the crystals with her sword, but she's getting pushed back. It's clear that her stress is affecting her performance in battle.]


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 06:59:22 UTC
[Cirno wasn't really sure what was going on with this lady, but she seemed like she wanted to stop. So gosh darn it, she was gonna stop her.

Cirno charged through the cloud of ice shards, swinging her ice sword with enthusiasm. As she charged more ice into the sword, it got bigger and bigger.]


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 07:05:59 UTC
[The Magic Knight leapt into the air, the image of the moon appearing behind Cirno. With a sharp cry, she sped forward- slicing the moon in half and presumably cutting Cirno as well...]


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 07:11:11 UTC
[Cirno quickly raised another ice wall and prepared for the worst. And the worst came - the wall broke cleanly in half horizontally, and her ice sword was broken as well. Cirno herself topped backwards, landing in a pile on the ground nearby.

There was no immediate attempt for her to get back up... did she just say something? It was quiet, so it's hard to tell...]


prodesto_demon October 20 2009, 16:50:05 UTC
[Shaking, the knight slowly walks towards her, sword raised.]


the_strongerest October 20 2009, 17:00:51 UTC
[When the knight gets close enough, Cirno's eyes shoot open.]

Spell Card!

Perfect Freeze!

[An intense wave of solid ice shoots out in all directions, freezing whatever it touches.]


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