BGM - You're the Best Around ]]
[So getting executed by communists was not a fun time for Yuugi! She's gone for eons without getting killed. It sucks pretty bad.
Is she gonna mope about it? NO! She's going to get ready to get even. Also to beat Kyo this time.
Thus, the general space around Jechthouse seems to have become the setting of a ridiculous, over-the-top 80's training montage. Yuugi is alternately doing one-handed pushups, one-handed pull-ups with the other arm, punching trees until her knuckles bleed, and trying to lift the family car. Also taking breaks to get drunk every few hours.
She does not care who comes to watch!
Oh, also she has a six-inch phallic symbol horn jutting out from her forehead now. So that's new.]