Nov 02, 2006 00:26
The following is a documentation of a conversation that took place between three members of a little known Military Ops organization known as the UNSA, on the date January 8, 1963.
The current date is January 12, 2018 We had not discovered this information until just recently (January 1, 3:44 a.m.). Accompanying footage from the incident is available only in the archives.
The dialogue taking place are by three individual soldiers. All three were said to have gone mysteriously MIA shortly after the recordings and documentations of their conversations. Some were through letters, some were through radio transmitions, and some through the minutely available satilite video transmitions of the time (at the time, a technology only available to UNSA and the Armed Vale Alliance).
Names and places have been removed from the release of this information as to protect the families and loved ones that live on in the name of these soldiers. This is believed to have been our first contact with the enemy.
Soldier [1] in a Letter Addressed to Soldier [3]
[1] "Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? and when you close your eyes, do you see the future? And if you could escape from your past...would you be ready for the next adventure?"
A transmition from Soldier [2] to Soldier [1]
[2] "Do you hear me out there? I can't hear you."
[1] "I gotcha, I can hear you, over.."
[2] "I'm picking up something strange."
[1] "I can see the sun coming over the horizon."
[2] "Sun? There shouldn't be any Sun at this hour."
[1] "Well whatever it is, it's bright as hell."
[2] "Can you get a visual on the source?"
[1] "Negative."
[2] "Roger. Dispatch a small group of infantry toward the 'sunlight'. 5 men total: three gunners, one runner, and a collector. Got it? We just need a visual on a source, and any abnormal readings. Have the runner report back asap."
[1] "Copy. Sending a team in now. And [2], don't be getting cocky on me again. You still don't outrank me."
[[Recorded Laughter from [2] during transmition.]]
[2] "Soon enough. Just get that data back to us so we can analyze it."
[1] "Working on...what the? Well, hell, that got bright fast. What in the hell is..."
::Lost Signal Transmition from Ground Forces::
[2] "Commander? Commander, come in. Do you still copy? Damnit [1] answer me...what happened to the signal?"
::End Recorded Transmition::
Second (Follow-Up) Transmition Between [1] and [2]
[1] "Airwave 1, this is command post Angel 7, you still there?"
[2] "Roger Angel 7, we're here. What the hell happened?"
[1] "We lost transmition there for a bit, but, we're all fine down here. We did get the data you requested. Over."
[2] "Roger. Send that via uplink when ready. Over."
[1] "Standby for transfer."
[2] "Copy."
[1] "So what did you find? Anything useful?"
[2] "This is it?"
[1] "I did the best that I could..."
[2] "We'd better have you go search again. There's about this data. A small amount of an unknown emition is coming from the sand."
[1] "Emition? Sand?"
[2] "A sort of gasious emission it seems, we've never encountered before. And it seems it's rising up from the ground."
[1] "Why do you keep calling it an emission? Doesn't that imply a vehicle or a factory or something? Like, a mechanical byproduct of burning residues?"
[2] "Exactly what we mean Commander. Which is precisely why we need another search of the area. All data points to a source emission, but we're as stumped as you are."
[1] "What the hell would be giving off gaseous emissions from under the sand in a fucking desert? And furthermore, if there is some kind of gas out the [2], you cannot expect me to, in my right mind, send more men out to investigate it!"
[2] "Calm down. Whatever it is, it doesn't appear harmful. And nothing happened to the crew that went the first time, right? Besides's a matter of your job, not your ethics. Copy?"
[1] "Yeah, yeah, I copy. Prepparing a deployment crew now. We'll radio back the results shortly."
::End Recorded Transmittion::
Third (Final Follow-Up) Transmition Between [1] and [2]
[1] "Airwave 1, come in, over! Come in!"
[2] "We're hear, calm down. Did you find anything interest..."
[1] "Forget that for now, we need you to relay a message to the nearest backup fleet! We need assitance, and an advanced search and rescue team out here stat!"
[2] "Commander, compose yourself. What's happened?"
[1] "Several of our men...they just vanished. Got sucked into the sand. No trace of potholes, tunnels, or anything. Just disappeared. Shortly after, we took a heavy supressive fire from the dunes in the distance, where the 'sunlight' was coming from..."
[2] "Fire? Are your troops hurt?"
[1] "Just a few of those that remain. We're missing four to the sand, and three took shots from the weapons. Their wounds look minimal, but don't resemble the makings from any ammunition I've ever seen."
[2] "We'll get you backup as soon as we can. Just hold tight [1]. All we can do is wait for help."
[1] "I'm afraid we can't do that. That 'sunlight'...we think it might be an airbase of some sort. We just saw two odd Air-vehicles depart from its vicinity. If we don't act quick, I don't think we'll be seeing much of anything else..."
[2] "Don't even think about deploying without help. You hear that soldier?"
[1] "I told you before. You don't outrank me. We're making the first move, and taking the upper hand. We can handle this job...we just need backup to pick up the pieces when we're done. Copy?"
[2] "Damnit, don't play with lives that aren't yours [1]. Backup will be there shortly after we call them. Got that? Give it 20 minutes."
[1] "We can handle this. We were built for this. This exact task. I just...I just wish we had more time..."
[2] "Just who do you think we are?"
[1] "We're Angels and Airwaves."
::End Recorded Transmition::
[[Both battalions went missing afterwards, and only one ship recieved the distress signal that was sent. As far as research indicates, the signal and a short message were sent, shortly before all transmitions in the area were blocked out.]]
Distress Transmition From [2] to [3]
[2] "This is the Airwave 1, in supervision of ground batallion Angel 7, requesting backup, does anyone read me? Over."
[3] "Roger, this is Whisper 3 recieving distress beacon. [2] is that you? Over."
[2] "[3]? No. No you're not supposed to be in the area. Why are you out here?"
[3] "I requested a transfer to this fleet. That's besides the point. Is everything ok out there? Is everything alright with [1]'s and your batallions? Over."
[2] "No. No it's not. they seemed to have encountered an unknown hostile source while out on field duty. A few of their men have gone missing, and the remainder have been under fire. They request medical and search backup...Over."
[3] "Only Medical and Search squads? Why not artillery backup? Don't tell me..."
[2] "Commander [1] has already deployed his troops into battle. We've since lost contact with them. He requested only Medical and Search teams to aid in his backup. His arroagance speaks out again..."
[3] "That asshole. What does he think he's doing going in to fight an unknown hostile source alone? At any rate, our batallion is Search and Rescue, and can handle any and all jobs requested."
[2] "No. out of the question. He'd kill me himself if he knew you were here, much less coming as his backup. You know that!"
[3] "Well suck it up, because I'm all you've got in your frequency range capable of Search, Rescue, and Medical support. Headed to your coordinates. We'll arrive within 20 minutes. Over"
[2] "Roger. We'll be awaiting your...what? What is that thing? Is that one of the vehicles he was talking about? Oh shit it's headed..."
::Lost Signal Transmition from Batallion Forces::
[3] "[2]? You there? Come in, do you copy? Over...This isn't funny. Are you guys alright over there. You'd better..."
::Lost Signal Transmition from Batallion Forces::
::End Recorded Transmition::
[[According to on board data of the Whisper 3, all radio freqeuncy in the vicinity had been cut somehow. They used tangible recording devices to make records of all the remaining data once they arrived on the scene.]]
Recorded Footage and Audio by [3]
[[The soldier put in charge of the batallion at their own request to be transfered, was also on of the UNSA's top Researchers and Scientists. She recorded the following data upon arriving to the barren 'battlefield']]
[3] "We've arrived at the coordiantes recieved from the Angel 7 Infantry, and the Airwave 1 crew's vessel. No sign of life found in the area...none at all. Our equiptment indicates no traces of human or beast activity, and my squad has yet to find a single trace of firearm usage. The sand 'ripples' remain intact, as though nobody has stepped foot on this surface in days, and no sign of heavy wind implies that nothing would have been buried in the short time itm took us to get here. Sun is breaking over the horizon, and I will keep my team out here until we find something...or until we realize something else. To conserve power, I will only record updates, findings, and other helpful research. If we fail to find anything, my team and I will dispatch back to base and return with assitance. Over and Out."
::End Recorded Audio and Video Part 1::
[[Sources from her returning team say that she requested to stay behind alone in order to do individual research. She directed her troops to return to base with what they had collected, and to come back for her as soon as they had done so. Upon their return, she was nowhere to be found; However, her research equiptment had been found by a her search crew.]]
Recorded Footage and Audio by [3]/[1]
[[The following was recorded on the research equiptment taken into the field by Doctor [3] when she had requested to study the area on her own. Why her team had allowed this is still unknown, however, this data was recovered. It was found on a coastline, nearly 100 miles from the research area/'battlefield'. The data and footage recovered were archived as evidence, and never evaluated until discovered again recently.]]
[3] "I have sent my crew back to the base with the first set of evidence, however, I intend on my own to figure out what happened here. Why, if we were told there was a fight here, is there absolutely no signs No footprints, no rations, no ammution...nothing. I know for a fact we didn't come to the wrong matter what my team might think. This is where they were. I can feel it. I can feel him. Maybe I can find something we missed. Maybe, I can find them all..."
::Recording Stopped::
::Recording Continues::
[3] "Look. Over there. Do you see it? Out of the ground. The remains of one of our fleet's vessels! But this doesn't make sense. How could we have missed it? Plain as day, it's sticking out of the sand. I'm headed over to check inside. maybe I can find some survivors!"
::Recording Stopped::
::Recording continues::
[3] "This doesn't make any sense. It seems as though this vessel has never been used. Empty, and no signs of life. none of my equiptment is getting any readings of previous inhabitation...and...the computer shows no history of vital statistics. But this is definately the Airwave 1. I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on here. I'll check the research analysis history at all. I know they came out here to take readings on the area. How could they not have any research history in their files? I'll find something."
::Recording Stops::
::Audio Recording Continues::
[[For some unknown reason, during this section of footage, there remained no video portion. The video seems repaired later, however a bit fuzzy. But for this portion, we don't pressume the Doctor knew her camera was off.]]
[3] "Nothing. Absolutely nothing here. There's no way this can be right! My equiptment must be off. I must be accessing the dataincorrectly. Something I am doing here is wrong. I'll head outside the ship, and wait there for the return of the Whsiper 3 and my crew. We can take the ship's remnants back to base, and have them sort this out. They'll figure out what i've overlooked...until then I'll just wait Where did it go? The Airwave 1. It was here. I was just in it! Where did it go? Damnit, what the hell is going on our here? It was two feet behind me and the it just...vanished..."
::Audio Recording Stops Abruptly::
::Recording Continues::
[[Through some odd circumstance, the recording equiptment ended up int he possession of the though to eb gone Commander [1]. Here, he records a bit of fuzzy Audio, but for the most part what remains is fuzzy Video footage. It documents an apparant abduction, and shows scenes of the distanst shoreline where the equiptment was later discovered.]]
[1] "There's no...waste...need...find her. By now they...realized...gone...will find me...They have...experiment...some month. I know they her...turn her into..."
::Recording Stops::
::End Recorded Audio and Video Part 2::
[[The short rapid rant contained more, and continued longer in this final recorded entry, however, as explained, the footage and audio were far too damaged and fuzzy to repair or interpret further. But because of this data collected by these three, we are able to asses that all of the missing soldiers may have been abducted. It seems strange, however, that the commander seemed much different in appearance to those who had seen him only the day prior. Considering all of this had taken place in one day, it still stands a mystery as to how all of this played out so rapidly. The letter included in the evidence seemed weeks old, but was dated that morning, before the intial transmition took place between [1] and [2]. It was found along with Doctor [3]'s research materials by the shoreline.]]
This data is not to be made public. It is property of the UNSA, and is to be used only in request to deploy AVA to the area of recent unknown activity. Research indicates that this same area is the one where the incidents in this historical data took place. UNSA will deploy armed AVA infantry to the area, and clear before sending in a research squad. Another incident like the one depicted her is unlikely to happen, however, we cannot take this risk.
- Admiral ************** *. ************
UNSA Special Forces