Sep 20, 2006 10:03
damnit if I didn't get 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night, but I totally did. it sucked hard, but for some reason I was very lively at work. I did more then my normal allotted amount of cleaning, and in record time. I had nothing left to do, so I finished homework. i served more orders than should ever be taken before 10 a.m. and when they couldn't think of anything else for me to do, my manager asked "umm...wanna go home early?"
to which, I of course responded "pfft. hells yeah!" i have class in an hour, and a stop to the bank shortly thereafter (if I remember). After that, I've got another class where I HOPE to be doing some hardcore programing. Wish me luck.
On that note: I found out yesterday that KC's been taking computer science courses, and his major is now Business. He'd never mentioned it before, and SEEMED to have forgotten that his best friend happens to be a computer science major. He's like "yeah, I gotta work with java" and I tell him "oh yeah, public static void main(string args[])..."
It gets quiet...
" the hell do you know that?" I laugh and say "dude, I only spent the last fucking year of my life learning that damn language, and I still suck at it. But yeah, I know Java...I'm a comp sci major." Needless to say, he was very pleased that he now has a Java Help Hotline. I'm glad to do it. He should have fun with it.
damnit I keep yawning.
so fucking tired
anyways, in other news, my parents decided "It would cost more in the long run for you to move...just live alone in the 2 BR until may!" YAY! that means my mess can stay where it is for now! and in may, I relocate (hopefully with Tiff's help) to a new and better 1 BR apartment. Until then, I'm content with staying 2 BR for now.
and last but not least...umm...ok, nevermind, I've got nothing else. GG LJ. QQ More. L2Post.