Aug 02, 2007 17:29
I have some thoughts on the recent "over reaction" by GRAVITY, that's right i'm calling you out bitch, towards the human race.
Firstly, hopefully you've made it this far, I want to address the helicopters falling towards the ground in a sort of crashing motion. I don't know about you, but I smell conspiracy in this one. There are several theories on the matter but I happen to think two are very plausible. I follow two to cover my bases, you understand.
One of the pilots happened to have a small dog that went every where he went, including but not limited to flying with him. Now, I believe this was a targeted assassination attempt by certain members of the all too powerful Underground Dog Fighting Circut or UDFC to those in the know. I think Micheal Vick was the man who put this assassination together. As we know, Micheal Vick reeeaaalllyyy hates dogs because he tortures them like they were an Arab woman who liked a boy her father didn't approve of. And killed them thusly.
So what happens is, once the fuzz comes down on this testiment to all that is good with the human race, he decides to lash out against a known, or not, dog lover in PHOENIX, ARIZONA where there is a football team as horrible as Atlanta is a city.
The car jacker was the "patsy" not unlike Oswald was in the Jewish plot to kill Kennedy. Once he ran out of the car, the actuall killers used a "gravity" machine to draw the two copters together killing the dog. However, the dog wasn't involved in the accident and the assassination attempt fell apart quickly. The dog is now in hiding somewhere in MINNESOTttttA. I, however, have no idea how to spell it and am too lazy to look it up.
Secondly, I would like to examine the bridge collapse in the twin cities. This one smells like George Bush to me! We have already seen the Bush tried to kill alot of black people by drowning New Orleans in floods, knowing full well that black people can't now, nor ever will, swim. So we have another group of black people, this time, convienently all on a bridge at the same time, and Bush had to strike! Sources close to me in a very far off kind of way tell me that Bush also had intellegince that he managed to recieve by illegally spying on innocent Americans that one of these "black people" was going to go to the press with information about Bush's connection to 9/11 and the planned invasion of Iran. Of cource, we know Bush doesn't want that out and god allowed it becuase it was part of his NEO-CON plot to convert all people to christianity which as we all know was funded by Zionists.
If you examine footage close enough, and I have, you can clearly see what looks like rocket strikes because NO BRIDGE in the history of the world has ever collapsed for NO reason. It just doesn't happen. Bridges don't collapse unless hit by a rocket launched by none other than George W. Bush!! Also, there have been reports of metallic parts laying about the place. There couldn't be any metal laying around! This has to be a missle.
Lets not forget that we all heard about this at 9:11 in the morning in the TWIN CITIES. Bush, as we all know, was behind the plot to destory the TWIN TOWERS with rockets and missles and all sorts of things it only makes sense that he try to destroy the TWIN CITIES. Coincidence? I think not.
Both have alot of black people, like New Orleans, and are part of the Bush backed Plan for A New American Century which is seeking to build and American Empire and the best place to start would be in no other place but AMERICA!!
How coincidental it seems that this happens when neither Bush nor Cheney were in the state of Minnesota at the time of the bridge collapse! Why wouldn't they be there? There is no reason for them not to. If they aren't there at the time of this ATTACK then it must point to something else. If it does, and I believe IT DOES, point to something else then clearly Bush and Cheney knew ahead of time that this was going to happen! They both cleverly stay out of the TWIN CITIES at the time of the attack because they will then be around to use the Military to yet again invade and occupy a state! It's all part of a greater Jewish and Capitalist and Banker funded plot to use the military industrial complex to spread Christianity all over the place so the neo-cons conquer the world.
Do you see??? I can't believe this. It all makes sense. Perfect sense. You can't say other wise because if you do then you are just part of the plot and you show your true colors.