Jan 09, 2007 20:52
That's the name of a bitchen band I just came up with up there.+
So alot of youze have been bitchen at me recently to come up with some kind of Best of the year list. Which, of cource I can do and it would make more sence and be far better then anything you come up with but for christs sake people, it's only 8 days in! How can anything truly be at the top of any kind of a list when we are barely a week into this, our new year, when we have what, like five hundred days left or something? I'm of course counting the leap year and all that so you do the numbers... then go fuck ourself with the findings because I'm right and you know it. To further drive home this point let me point out then when I write this to fill the void in what must amount to an otherwise unbelievably boring day. I writ, I. I write you as you. No capitol lettering there. I also don't care much if it is capitol or capital because I'm no the President and I don't have to worry about that kind of thing.
If I were to do a best of LAST year, and I do stress the if, then it will possibly be the closest thing to perfection you've ever read.
So. With out further adoueaiojuoisueaoisu or however the hell you spell that godawful french word here is:
BEST MOTION PICTURE: This is a toss up. It is between:
World Trade Center, United 93 and The Departed. It's a toss up because I can't decide at present.
Others would be: Beer Fest, Borat, Apacolypto and maybe something else. All in all it was a wonderful year for cinema and if you don't go to movies you are probably retarded.
BEST RECORD: This friggin one is really easy.
Heavens: Patten Pending. This is no way it isn't the best record of the year. If you haven't heard it, I can't help you, you need to wonder off and die on top of a mountain being screwed by a camal.
Very close in second is Brand New: God and the Devil are Fighting Inside Me. You ain't heard American Radiohead until you experience this.
Also, I loved, The Decembrists and Stan Ridgeway
Others would be, Fiona Apple, The Killers, Maybe Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional.
ALSO, DON'T FORGET THIS ONE...... BEST CONCERT: Alkaline Trio, duh, and Oh yeah SOCIAL FRIGGIN D! The second one because that's the one worth going to every time.
BEST T.V. SHOW: No brainer here
Monty Pythons Flying Circus. It doesn't even have to be new, just being on makes it better then any piece of shit you like.
Also, The Soup is the best thing actually ON television. And every other thing on History Channel is pretty well bitchen, too.
Finally, the BEST PERSON OF THE YEAR AND POSSIBLY EVER goes to........
MMEE!! That's right! It was close. It came down to Me and Myself and I am glad to say I beet Jesus this time!
I won because of all the wonderful things I did for everyone and continue to do to this day. For example, be your friend. That's pretty important to you now isn't it?! Also. I kick ass and drink beer. Good beer too.
Go Cubs!