Jan 27, 2003 15:05
this is going yto be hard to write up a long post on the tour: but here goes
i dont know where to start
the uk shows were quiyte average, we were still heaps nervous about playing overseas, so we prolly didnt play as well as we should have: we met some hell nice ppl tho, and for some rerason even tho we played average, heaps of ppl bought our merch, so maybe we didnt play THAT badly:
glasgow sucked: it was a nice place, but the atmosphere of the show was like a bunch of old men at a hc show..... wait, thats what it was. no kids. noone having fun: it was a let down: i didnt even get up to watch shank, tho now i wish i did cos everyone said they were good:
me and luke hung out heaps with charcoal sophie: she is a superr rad girl: we went to this feral nite club and got rerallly really really drunk and danced all night with these feral goths: me an,d luke even tag teamed this guy dressed in tight leopard skin shirt... me up front, the dood in the middle, luke from behind... it was sooo fucking fun: i even got everyone we were with to come onto the dance floor and dance like fools for a few songs::: was very fun:
i think sophie thought i wantredt to kiss her, cos she told luke that, or so,ethiung along those lines::: so that soured me up a little cos luke told her liues about me wanting to sleep with her, and i think she believed theml::::: LUKE LIES!!!! and i forgot to say thank u to miss puddles for letting us stay at her house: THANK U BITCH!!!! ('pint pint pint pint')
me spirits were a little down as we played avezrage the first two shows, and flying out to germany meant the van part of tyhe tour was about to start:
we ended up getting to ralfs house around 9pm after leqving glasgow at 9am: not fun:
we got tyhez van: and thqt night we stayed at steffons house, a friend of ralfs:
our first drive was to esson: ' hours later we get to the venue: the place was fucking called " emo"::: hahahhaha luke got a picture under it! was turbo funny:
the show: wasnt what we expected: got there: and man; they were cookiung all this food for us: was a big culture shock: so after they feed us, we sat around talking to euroes! i saw this really sexy german::: hehee: she ended up buying a cd off me::: thats cos she loves me:: ahhaha: only one band played: they were ok: very crusty: i forget there name:
we finally played q good set: ppl enjoyed it: and the cockrockers we are, we played 3 encores qfter they wouldnt let us off stage: that was mad!
we ended up back at the ppl house and stayed there the night where they mad us more food: got up, and yes, more food was made for us: these ppl are too nice:
so fuck: our first van tour show turned outr ok: it was a good start: but qhead of us we had an 8 hour drive: not fun:
i think we all thought we were going to drive when shortty did his first drive: seriously, everyone was holding on to so,ething: it was so scatrey: poor shortty, he was so nervous.... and so were we1111
we ended up gettiung to halle and the house by chqnce:! we couldnt find the place, and we just happened to drive past it:
i have to stress, the ppl from the halle show were crazily nice:
we goty there, and str8 away we get offered food and what not:
Jana, who put the show on is the nicest person ever: i wanted to keep her:
we played with idiot servqnt, who were a mixed between crust and emo: was very good:
the crazy euros there then wanteds to do a radio interview with us: so we did one, and i donty think i laughed harder than then: was so funny: it ended up that it didnt record; so we did it again qfter the show: and by the, the dood, was sooo drunk which mlade it even better
halle halle halle: east germany:
its not like the places we are used to seeing: reminded me heaps of war zones: sounds harsh, but it was scarey: and they were telling us all about the fascists and shit::: was scraey to think this shiut still goes down:
after all these ppl did for us; to top it we prolly played the best we ever havre there: so ,uch energy, so much fun: ppl we singing qlong to our songs; and yes; we got shouted at to do a few encores::: hahaha: i love this place: ppl dancing; having fun; andf then after we played just talking to EZVERYONE: they were soooooo nice: THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!!!
so qfter the hiugh of halle, we were off to Erfurt, which was abouyt 2 hours away: Jana sert this show up for us after our other show was cancelkled:
we were all so tired here:
we couldnt find the squat, and then when we did, me shortty luke and max walked in; and 4 huge doigs came outr and attacked us: max got biten: not a good start:
qgqin, they fed us sooooo well: very very nice!!!
but we werre fucked, and we ghot onto stage at 2am: not good: tho everyone was still there: we played ok: didnt have thez best sound; but everyone fully got into it which was good; we met another band there; they were really nice:! spoke to them: slmept with them; qte with them;
i was glqd to get out of Erfurt:*
just before wer got to the show; we got pulled over by the police;
i thought we were fucked for: we didnt do anything wrong, or have anything on us,n but when 7 or 8 police come out of cqrs from innfront of you and behind; box u in, and mlake u stop, u would get scared: they searched our bags, took our passports, questrioned us::::: simon was being a fucking cunt by not shutting up and talking out loud: it annpoyed me heaps cos they just needed one reason to fuck us over, and that couyld of been it:
as it turned out, they handed everythiung back, a good day:
i think we got pulled over cos just before we went to a petrol stqtion and we being loud and shit: and everyone was looking at us:
fucking rude tho: everywhere u got in germany; ppl look at you; not just look; but stare; rude i reckon::::
stay tuned for more
ill updqted the shows in nurumberg and our crasy friend, patrick:::: and the show in brussells and the porn::: paris, and my passport situqtion: FUCK