Feb 02, 2005 15:13
so school today was ehh, I got there late as usual, and went to advisory, ate and orange :D I love oranges. We got our schedules, I have German 2 first period, then Geometry then, Gym ( I failed it in the ninth grade), and then Chemistry, I pretty much hated my classes today. My lunch however was utterly beautiful, I get there and walk over to the old table and see Kristin there, automatic relief. So we're standing there and we're like yeah well this it just us. Then she saw somebody ran over and got them, while she was over there Mary walked in, then Elyce came in :D I was sooooo happy I gave her a giant hug, so we all sit down, and Amanda runs over and is like I'm in this lunch happiness times like1283571345128945, so lunch is good. AMANDA....YESSSSS, ELYCE YESSSSSSSSSSS so good, thats it, oh yeah Twicehitter is playing Nation but we have to sell thirty tickets its a huge two day battle of the bands type deal, starts at 10 a.m. and goes till 11 p.m. on both days its at the end of February please buy a ticket from me