After shimmying out of his packaging, Jazz posed with his best buddies for a good old-fashioned We_R_Robot_Badasses shot. And then of course since it's snowing outside, the same robot badasses huddled themselves around the fire, because their little feeties were cold.
So much for big, scary robots from outer space.
What surprised me most about Jazz was how easy he was to transform. He pretty much has the same transformation as his G1 self -- just a bit more detailed, and with a few more joints. :) Points are deducted for that bogus lightpiping they gave him. It's there, but only barely. He gets points back for being easy to stand up, and easy to get cool poses out of. He's nicely proportioned, with good articulation, though I could have done without the uber scowl. What is with these Classics face sculpts? Primus.
The other thing was, the Target boxed was ripped open just enough so someone could check out the contents. So someone somewhere thought about stealing Jazz. >:[ It was pretty deliberately done, with the corner sliced open, and peeled back in such a way as to have a nice peek at the contents. Happily for me, the scumball wasn't a Transformers collector.
Ah well. Jazz is here, he's suh-weet, and I'm hoping to get Tracks sometime this week. Glee! :D