New Year's Party: Saw lots of my favorite people! Caught someone's germs, had to leave the Jan.1 wind-down early because of fever.
1/21/14: starting to feel human, but realize that my lower back is very sore, probably due to sleeping propped-up for two weeks. Go to doctor for scheduled yearly physical, mention back, get scrip for muscle relaxant and ibuprofen 600mg.
36 hours later: muscles in lower back relax enough to free up movement, now extreme pain in nerves on right side shooting down into lower leg starts. Back to doctor. It's sciatica! Lidocaine patches, percocet for sleeping, physical therapy.
1/30/14: PT appointment - I learn some stretches and advice on how I'm sleeping (wrong!). We set up a schedule for e few more sessions.
2/3/14: PT is working! I can put on my socks without grimacing or making That Noise! I go erranding, and while unloading groceries, slip and fall on the ice in the driveway. When I pull myself up off the ground, it is apparent that I have Done Something to my left ring finger. Three hours of ER-time later, the answer is: avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx. Referral to ortho. I consult Dr Google in the meantime, find all sorts of interesting factoids, including one that says 90% of these types of fractures heal without surgery. Pain is easily handled by the ibuprofen. I can even knit, albeit slowly.
2/6/14: Laptop will not boot up! I am sad. No time for that, because ortho. Ortho says surgery! Tomorrow! I chase all over doing paperwork, after which I take laptop to the place we take our sick computers, guy pokes at it, says maaaaaybe it's one of two easy things; 20% chance he can fix it, if not he can pull of the data, $42.50 for the data recovery, $65 (including data) to open it up and try to fix. I go for the long odds; I want the data anyway, so what's $20?
2/7/14: Wake up at 10, shower, get picked up by Chaz, check in for surgery, have surgery. Go home with numb hand, call computer place. I own a shiny blue brick. The rest if the day is mostly sleeping.
2/8/14: The local they put in my hand has worn off. OW. Percocet is my best friend. Lots more sleeping. Knitting is right out because drugs.
2/9/14: Try to get through a day with no percocet. Not too bad, but discover knitting is right out because it hurts. Watch a lot of Netflix on the netbook, which is tiny and slooooow. Only take one nap. OMG SO BORED.
Today: so far, I haven't even taken ibuprofen, but I am starting to question that decision a little. I have found a refurbed HP desktop with 4GB of Ram and a 750GB hard drive AND Windows 7 (which is the most important bit) for under $200. Downside is, I have to wait for it to be shipped to me. Upside is: under $200.
Aaaaand I should go have lunch. Where does the day go.
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